Champagne De Sousa & Fils (RM)

新品特惠-即日起至 9/26日或售完為止


位於香檳區知名的白丘(Côte des Blancs- Avize)村,家族自1890起從事葡萄栽種事業,經過三個世代的傳承,以經過歐盟認證的有機耕作方式,在包Avize, CramantOger等特級葡萄園,都以優異品質大受好評。

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de Sousa自有葡萄園雖只有小小的6公頃,但擁有3/4樹齡高於32年,平均樹齡約45年的老藤,可生長到10~12公尺深以吸收白堊土壤層中的礦物質和養分。當樹根的深度愈夠,愈能汲取土壤中的營養,所以能產出品質更好的葡萄果實;de Sousa並且以低於香檳每公頃法定產量的低密度種植,以維護老藤的品質。收成時,堅持葡萄完全成熟,才能以人工進行採收,香檳並經過乳酸發酵使其口感更柔和。

   de Sousa香檳過去以不鏽鋼桶發酵,但自1995年後,高於50年樹齡的葡萄酒則以小橡木桶發酵;裝瓶後的香檳在酒莊地下以天然白堊土建成,在溫度維持在10的地窖中,緩緩熟成~. 是故,de Sousa香檳能呈現精純集中的質感並且充滿活力,帶有花香、礦物等獨特優美氣韻,待您品嚐。

de Sousa & Fils推薦酒款:

I. NV Cuvee des Caudalies Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Brut

使用100% Avize特級葡萄園產區的夏多內,葡萄樹齡超過50年;除渣日期2013-01-16        ~ 93 Points The Wine Enthusiast.                                              

Tasting: From over 50 year old vines, this has considerable intensity of flavor and structure, very mineral in character, full and rich. Some of the wine was vinified in wood and this does help give it a fuller style without any suggestion of toast    

II. NV 3A Grand Cru Extra Brut

來自三塊特級葡萄園,故命名為3A- 50% Avize特級葡萄園的夏多內;各25% 的黑皮諾則來自Ay Ambonnay除渣日期2012-10-23.                ~ 92 Points The Wine Enthusiast.

Tasting:It is in the rich De Sousa style, but with an extra dimension of Pinot Noir that gives concentration and a perfumed character. The green plum juice and cranberry texture are full-on, leaving a dense finish.

III. NV Reserve Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs Brut

使用100%特級園夏多內,來自於Avize, Oger and Cramant除渣日期2013-01-16使用至少25%的陳年基酒,調和2-3各年份.                           ~91 Points The Wine Enthusiast.

Tasting: The intense nose is evidence of a striking maturity. In addition to notes of fresh roasted coffee, eucalyptus and dried fruit, there is a very expressive floral character. The palate is very round with honeyed accents. While the dosage is apparent, the result is well-balanced. The finish is long and delightfully refreshing.     


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