水漲船高白酒巨星 Domaine Leflaive  見證傳奇的倒數佳釀

活動日期:105/08 /26 ~105/09/25 或 售罄為止




Leflaive 是法國勃根地 Puligny 村內 擁有多塊令人垂涎葡萄園酒莊 , 並且是佔地四座身價最高最大面積頂級葡萄園 和一級葡萄園的大地主 !!, 憑著酒標上顯眼的二隻公雞 又被稱做 公雞酒 是目前最具盛名且家喻戶曉的 世界知名 白酒 !!   1997 年獨排眾議引進 Biodynamic 自然動力農法的 - Anne-Claude Leflaive 女士 聘請名釀酒師 Pierre Morey 負責釀酒 , 一起合作專研 禁絕化學肥料配合日月星辰變遷來實行各項的農業技術 ( 如剪支、施肥等 ) ,以釀製出最純美、充份表現 Terrior 風土的勃根地白酒 , 看著用心釀出的酒被大家紛紛讚譽與收藏 , 事實證明 Anne-Claude 當初的決定是對的 !! ~ 2015 4 月一件令人心碎的消息

她辭世了 ~ 對於喜愛白酒的人仕都是一大憾事 , 讓我們用珍惜感恩的心 , 欣賞這傑出世界級女釀酒師長年謹守自然動力法的管理下 BIO 健康灌溉釀出的每一滴佳釀 ~

頂級園 Grand Gru

Montrachet(0.08 公頃 ) 年產僅 400 - 白酒天王 , Chevalier Montrachet (2 公頃 )- 酒香獨特而明晰礦石果味酸度辨識度極高、 Batard Montrachet(2 公頃 ) Bienvenues-Batard Montrachet(1 公頃 )

一級園 1er Cru

Les Pucelles (3 公頃 ) Batard Montrachet 旁的少女園深邃複雜風味和集中度為品質最高的一級園酒 !

Les Combettes (0.7 公頃 )- Meursault 交界山坡上展現無比優雅細緻,後韻深長

Les Folatieres (1.26 公頃 ) - 在坡地之上 向陽性佳,口感豐滿圓潤

Les Clavoillons (5 公頃 ) - 最輕巧早熟的一款

溫和的開始入冬後帶來變化 , 二月冷冰 -15 攝氏度 -4 攝氏度之間 , 三月冬天變成春天溫和第一芽出現 ~ 類似 2011 年和 2007 年但較強勁濃縮些,在六月底氣溫突然上升帶來的暴風雨和冰雹。七月顯著的濕度。 8 月冰雹後, 9 月太陽照耀達到良好的酚醛成熟。酸度非常良好平衡保護 強勁又稠密卻很討喜的 2012 ~ RP Vintage Guide 2012Burgundy White 給很好的評價 92E



1999 Leflaive Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Les Folatiers      BH 89-92


1999 Leflaive Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Combettes    BH 88-91



2012 Leflaive Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Pucelles  BH 92 少女園 . 最高品質一級園


A very pretty nose reflects notes of honeysuckle, apple, pear and Acacia blossom notes that are trimmed in just enough wood to notice. There is excellent punch and detail to the delicious and refined medium-bodied flavors that already possess solid complexity on the crisp and lemon-inflected finish that delivers fine length. This well-balanced effort should be capable of amply rewarding 5 to 8 years of bottle age and drink well for another decade after that.


金銀花,蘋果,梨堅實複雜性 美味中等濃郁的口味擁有令人難忘的 精細 優雅均衡 ~




2012 Leflaive Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Les Folatiers      BH 91 豐滿圓潤


This is also notably ripe yet quite fresh with its elegant nose that reflects aromas of white peach, apricot, mango and pear. This is both bigger and richer than the Folatières if less obviously mineral-inflected and I very much like the mouth feel of the refined middle weight plus flavors that exude a citrusy character on the dry, balanced and built-to-age finish. realize 白桃,杏,芒果,梨香味挺新鮮 更富有,明顯礦物,精緻中間重量加上味道流露出平衡光潔度柑橘感 ~




2012 Leflaive Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Clavoillon  BH 89-92 輕巧早熟


A touch of pain grillé frames the impressively broad nose of acacia blossom, mandarin orange peel, white peach and a hint of menthol. The generous proportioned, round and delicious medium weight flavors possess solid mid-palate concentration as well as a seductive texture before culminating in a delicious and notably dry but not austere finish. This isn't especially complex at present though my range offers the benefit of the doubt that more depth will develop with time in bottle. 柑橘橘皮,白桃子和薄荷淡淡香氣圓潤可口中等酒體 穩定濃度以及美味又不嚴肅 ~




2012 Leflaive Puligny Montrachet  BH 89-91 村莊級中最受歡迎品牌


more obvious floral and citrus influence to the white orchard fruit suffused nose that introduces cool and pure middle weight flavors that display plenty of underlying tension as well as fine detail on the restrained and markedly dry finish that is moderately austere. This beautifully balanced effort is notably more structured than the average Puligny villages in 2012. 明顯的柑橘鮮花微妙香氣柔軟水果精緻的細節口味多汁,芳香 ~




2012 Leflaive Bourgogne Blanc     BH 87   即開即飲 感受新鮮酒體         


An airy and attractively layered nose presents primarily floral, pear and citrus peel aromas that display a background hint of matchstick. The energetic but impressively rich flavors possess a lovely texture, indeed this is finer than most examples of the genre, all wrapped in a saline-inflected finish where the citrus character telegraphed by the nose reappears. This serious effort will clearly need at least some bottle age as it's presently very tight.

豐富的,堅定的金色。成熟微妙的氣息,甚至礦物香水,口感豐富,肉質飽滿,大方具有良好的酸度終點 ~




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