在義大利產區Chianti當地有一種說法~或許你不認識Paolode Marchi,但是没有人釀的Chianti比他更好。

Isole e Olena 的首席釀酒師便是Paolode Marchi。酒莊位於Chianti產區西側丘陵,處於義大利西恩納與佛羅倫斯之間,雄糾氣昂的公雞圖騰讓人容易辨識,使用Sangiovese100%葡萄。2016 為各大酒評認為是令葡萄酒愛好者Enjoys a Promising Year!!



2016 Isole e Olena Cepparello 

WA- 97     Vinous-97+

亮麗的2016 Isole e Olena Cepparello完美呈現Sangiovese的特質,儼然是2016的典範表現出風土性格及年份特質。

The beautiful Isole e Olena 2016 Cepparello is a gorgeous and precise expression of Sangiovese. This is one of the icon wines of the vintage that shows a naked and transparent portrait of the grape on the one hand, with the complexity of the vintage and its territory on the other. Cepparello is like a crystal ball into the heart and soul of Sangiovese, Tuscany's mighty red grape


2016 Isole e Olena Syrah Collezione Privata   

  WA96  Vinous98

2016年的Syrah Collezione Privata給予Syrah獨特的詮釋,賦予了法國葡萄品種在義大利截然不同得調性,但也保有了豐富的質地與力度,年產量僅有5000瓶。

I absolutely love this profound and beautiful Syrah from Tuscany. The 2016 Syrah Collezione Privata offers a unique interpretation of the grape that delivers much of the heft, power, smokiness and textural richness of the French grape, however it also shows purely Italian flares of grilled herb, blue flower, moist earth and Toscano cigar . The wine is rich, velvety and long in terms of mouthfeel.

  • 活動日期: 即日起~ 4/8 ;預計交貨:2020第四季

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