2017 Domaine Gros Frere et Soeur
酒莊的起源簡單說來:葛羅兄妹攜手共創金盃,就如其Frere et Soeur法文之意而稱作”兄妹園”,本身家族Gros 之名在Vosne- Romanee村生產葡萄酒的歷史早已經是響噹噹!因分家後膝下無子女兒轉而找來姪子Bernard Gros 協助並且在1984年全權交棒,當年Bernard先生雖然年紀輕,但由於生長在葡萄酒世家,自小耳濡目染,對葡萄園的管理與釀酒,自有相當獨到的見解。20多年下來Bernard Gros果然不負眾望也將其招牌越擦越耀眼!
酒莊擁有難得的Richebourg、Grands Echezeaux、Echezeaux以及就位在Musigny旁的Clos de Vougeot 等四塊頂級園外,Bernard早期也陸續購入不少優質坡向的Hautes Cotes de Nuits地塊,並著手重新栽植90%的葡萄藤並且嚴控果實成熟度。釀造方面雖是在布根地少數引進現代設備與技術的酒莊,但在多數的程序中仍是維持著布根地傳統方式,當中除了Hautes Cotes de Nuits之外都是使用100%的新木桶來進行陳年培養,而Hautes Cotes de Nuits則是使用Vonse- Romanee使用過1~2年的木桶。
酒莊的釀酒重任已正式在2016交棒給Bernard之子Vincent負責,但父親依舊會從旁協助。父親Bernard 風格以往飽滿濃郁、圓潤肥美著稱,到了兒子Vincent 則在2016 年接手後降低新橡木桶的比例,並且不再使用二氧化硫,葛羅兄妹園的酒在豐腴飽滿之餘,亦更加展現另一番秀氣清雅。
※活動期間: 2020/03/10 -2020/04/10 或售完為止
(1) 2017 Richebourg
※唯一仍使用100% 新木桶陳年培養, 其他品項則均有減低新桶培養比例。
A markedly spicy red and dark cherry and floral-suffused nose introduces bigger, richer and more evidently mineral. 辛辣,鮮明的花香和成熟的深色櫻桃。整體有更豐富,更明顯的礦物質驅動著,擁有良好的肌肉和力量。總而言之,這是令人愉快的平衡。
(2) 2017 Clos de Vougeot
※在佔地1.5公頃的中依序重新種植- 1985年,1988年和1989年。
A background application of wood frames the high-toned herbal tea, red currant, cherry, earth and soft earth-suffused aromas. There is more size, weight and volume to the nicely concentrated and vibrant middle weight. 在木質的背景前勾畫了草本茶香,紅醋栗,櫻桃,泥土香氣。 濃郁,充滿活力的中等口感並反映出堅實而複雜,尾韻拉長的酸度,說明了陳年的實力。(自2016年起開始無musigni字樣)
(3) 2017 Echezeaux
plum and dark currant scents along with attractive floral hints and in particular lavender and violet. The medium weight flavors possess a velvety and caressing mouthfeel before concluding in a sappy and dusty if mildly tangy finish. 散發出五香的李子和黑加侖子的香氣,以及迷人的花香,尤其是薰衣草和紫羅蘭。中等重量具有天鵝絨般柔和的口感。
(4) 2017 Vosne Romanee 1er Cru
The spice elements are more varied though the fruit profile is similar. Intense and more precise medium weight flavors possess a nicely refined mouth feel while delivering sneaky good length on the moderately firm and slightly lean finish. 貌似水果風味概括整體,但香料元素卻變化多端的不斷轉變。口感光滑,級中、精確的中等重量具有內斂的餘韻。
(5) 2017 Vosne Romanee
An agreeably spicy herbal tea-inflected nose flashes notes of essence of red currant that is also laced with pretty floral nuances. The medium weight flavors is both succulent and seductive.
(6) 2017 Bourgogne Hautes Cotes de Nuits
Fresh and bright with its array of cherry, red currant and discreet floral wisps where a similar crushed leaf character emerges. 櫻桃,紅醋栗和謹慎的花香排列成一團,散發著揉捏葉子的氣息,感受新鮮和明亮活力。迷人的石質和細膩輕巧的入口感受~
(7) 2017 Bourgogne
Fresh aromas of high-toned red berries that include hints of cranberry and pomegranate lead to supple, round and good energy and an appealing salinity. 高調鮮明的紅色漿果充滿新鮮的香氣,包括蔓越莓和石榴的香氣,可帶來柔順,圓潤和美味的輕巧風味,並具有良好的能量和誘人的鹽度。
(8) 2017 Bourgogne Hautes Cotes de Nuits Blanc(白酒)
Reasonably good vibrancy to the delicious, rich, round and decidedly forward flavors that conclude in a lightly stony if slightly drying and short finish. 淡雅的芬芳,口感豐富,圓潤和前瞻性的風味在一定程度上保持了良好的活力。