Meursault新風華 Francois Mikulski
1939年Francois Mikulski的父親離開故鄉波蘭,在Meursault地區認識葡萄酒世家的母親,並結為伉儷, 舉家遷往Dijon定居。一次偶然機會, 回到了母親故鄉, 愛上風情萬種的Meursaul, 於是他決定投身葡萄酒事業。在釀酒世家的舅舅家中酒莊工作, 全權負責葡萄園的管理。1992年28歲的Francois Mikulski在妻子Marie Pierre Mikulski支持下,創建自己的酒莊, 並以自己名字開始釀酒。
●為了保留果香和礦物風味, 堅持少用新橡木桶,白酒風格極其純粹 融合了礦物質風格和一定的酸度,而口感清新爽脆的風格讓人欲罷不能。Francois釀酒師認為酒的品質和風格90%來自葡萄和葡萄園, 盡可能輔助讓她們自由的極致發揮其中的獨特性, 細細體會Francois對白酒的精心呵護。Chardonnay AOC的柔美結實;Meursault Village的濃郁立體;Les Gouttes d'Or 1er Cru的勁力紮實;Le Porusot Dessus 1er Cru的豐碩有力;Les Charmes-Dessous 1er Cru的清雅複雜; Les Genevrieres Dessus 1er Cru的雋永持久。
Francois追求完美釀酒藝術 "獨特酒標設計 & 充滿活力的2013"
●墨綠透明玻璃瓶身上 簡簡單單 粉筆質感的字體 簡潔、質樸、意味深長
2013 Bourgogne Chardonnay ★ BH 86 即使是基本款也是手工採收挑選,萊姆花香清新輕柔的Chardonnay。
2013 Meursault Village ★BH 87-90 RP88-90 Attractive and vibrant, lightly spiced bouquet that soars from the glass with fine delineation. The palate is well balanced, rounded in the mouth with hints of tangerine and orange zest, simple but showing good persistence. This is a commendable Meursault to enjoy over several years.兼具活力及吸引力,淡雅洋橙香氣,並且有良好的平衡及尾韻。
2013 Meursault 1er Cru Genevrieres ★BH 90-92 RP91-93 Lifted bouquet with orange blossom and fresh mint aromas that gain intensity in the glass. The palate is well balanced with plenty of salinity on the entry. There is good weight in the mouth with hints of shaved ginger decorating the long finish. This is a superb Meursault from Mikulski. 槐樹花與橙花、茉莉的新鮮薄荷香味,帶有異國情調的風格的Meursault。
2013 Meursault 1er Cru Gouttes d'Or ★BH 89-92 RP91-93 The palate is fresh and vibrant with quince and tangy orange rind. There is good depth in the mouth with a lovely waxy texture on the finish. Another great Meursault courtesy 口感清新,充滿活力 木瓜和濃郁的柑橘皮。有足夠的深度,帶著可愛的稠度質感,偉大的Meursault。
2013 Cremant de Bourgogne 來自Meursault的氣泡酒,使用2012年採收的葡萄並於2014/11/27除渣
2012 Meursault 1er Cru Genevrieres ★BH 92 RP90-92 Needed a little encouragement in the glass, it reveals some lovely dried herb, almost tertiary scents that combine well with the citrus aromas. The palate is lighter on its feet than the Les Charmes with a very clean and pure orange peel and spice-tinged finish that lingers long in the mouth. 金黃色澤般的透亮純淨,柑橘皮和辛香料等氣息,酒體醇香誘人為2012最佳Meursault之一。
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量 有礙健康 !!