2011 E-GuigalLA LA LA

活動日期: 2015/10/16 ~ 2015/10/31   或售完為止


提到法國隆河谷北端羅地丘Côte Rôtie,大家肯定知道釀出三款被暱稱為LaLaLa’s頂尖佳釀的積架酒廠。Robert Parker曾評說,這個世界上,再也沒有其他釀酒師能像馬賽爾積架(Marcel Guigal)一樣,無論在任何氣候下,都能釀製出這麼多高品質的好酒。一家傳奇的酒廠,背後總有一段刻苦艱辛的歷史,必須嚴謹勤奮、眼光遠大,輔以決策果斷才能創造今日的酒業王朝,法國政府也頒予「榮譽勛位勳章」褒獎現任總裁 Marcel 對於法國釀酒業的貢獻,這也是法國平民所能獲得的最高榮譽。

占地約150公頃的積架酒廠,雖擁有面積範圍不若兩家隆河區名廠ChapoutierPaul Jaboulet,但Guigal掌有的都是隆河區最精華的葡萄園,最初階的酒款Cote du Rhone到優秀Chateauneuf du- Pape、精緻優美的 Condrieu 以及不可思議的Cote Rotie每年產量都高達百萬瓶,但是仍舊以其絕佳品質傲視整個隆河區並廣受歡迎。

Guigal的各款羅地丘紅酒均為該區酒質之標竿,主因在於酒廠以高價向各簽約酒農購買優異的葡萄果實,自行培養釀造,而不是直接買進葡萄酒。除人工篩選,也以電腦精確控管發酵溫度,桶內醇化後,經 Marcel逐桶品嚐後,挑選優良的酒桶混合而成。積架初階酒款,架構完整、單寧適中,有黑醋栗及甘草的芳香氣息,均衡度佳。


Cote Rotie La Landonne  2011  WS :98  RP :98-100


Possibly the wine of the vintage, and another candidate for perfection, the 2011 Côte Rôtie La Landonne has a level of complexity and intensity that’s normally reserved for the La Mouline. Exhibiting thrilling notes of dried flower, olive, earth, rendered bacon fat and currant and blackberry-styled fruit, it has a massive core of tannin, yet more than enough fruit, texture and concentration to handle it. I suspect it will be relatively approachable by this cuvee’s standards, but should still dish out tons of pleasure for 2-3 decades.


Cote Rotie La Mouline 2011     WS :96   RP :96-99

Scheduled to be bottled early in 2015, the 2011 Cote Rotie La Mouline is more perfumed, exuberant and approachable than the 2010. It exhibits a crazy bouquet of spice-box, vanilla bean, spring flowers and sweet kirsch, cassis and black raspberry. Full-bodied, seamless and elegant, with sweet tannin, it will be hard to resist in its youth and have 2+ decades of prime drinking.

Cote Rotie La Turgue 2011      WS :97  RP :95-97

Offering more spice,cured meats, chocolate, cassis and vanilla bean, the 2011 Cote Rotie La Turque is more sexy and open-knit than the 2010, with full-bodied richness, sweet tannin and a hard-to-resist profile. It should start to shine at a relatively early age for this cuvee, but still have two decades or more of longevity.


三款合購再特惠喔!!速洽速洽 (02)2709-8166





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