追求最真誠的酒~Domaine Alain Burguet



30-40年來,Alain Burguet可說是Gevrey Chambertin村最受敬重的釀酒師之一,以其小小的酒莊規模卻在此村有極大的影響力,連葡萄酒大師 Michael Broadbent 在書中 The Great Domaines of Burgundy 》都覺得讚嘆、不可思議!享譽國際葡萄酒作家林裕森先生也在布根地日記提及:

…漸漸發現,在 沒有或僅有一些Grand Cru 或知名1er Cru的酒莊,反而可以找到釀得非常好的村莊級酒…

Alain1964年從學校畢業之後跟隨父親在葡萄園中工作,一直到1972年終於建立起自己的酒莊,腳踏實地一步一腳印打造自己的事業,陸續購買細碎的葡萄園及新建、擴張酒窖。Alain能成功的關鍵或說不變的初心是,他不追求他的酒莊是Gevrey Chambertin村第一名莊,他最想要釀造的是“ Ture wine” and “ Top Quality”,他尊重風土、年份特色、熱愛這塊土地,細心照料滋養這片葡萄園!

時序回到7080年代,正當化學肥料與除草劑風靡一時,Alain Burguet是少數不為所動、全然拒絕使用這些藥劑與肥料的人。由於一直採用傳統的自然農法,所有的農事他都必須親力親為。良好的葡萄品質和成熟度 (經過三次的葡萄篩選)、及平均超過60年的老藤;加上他謹慎使用橡木桶新舊比例及橡木來源,是Alain Burguet即使少了特級園的加持,都能大放異彩的原因! (後來在人力、經濟充裕下,也添購了頂級園的Chambertin Clos de Beze 及兩塊一級園)

   酒莊擁有大約8公頃的葡萄園,都由Alain Burguet和兩個兒子Jean-LucEric父子三人親手照料。兩兄弟對釀酒事業有著同樣高度的熱忱、認真學習,努力傳承父親志業辛苦大半輩子的Alain Burguet終於能在2011宣布退休,讓Eric Jean-Luc可以獨挑大樑,所以從2011年份開始,酒標上改標示為” Jean-Luc & Eric Burguet”,但還是保留著AB (Alain Burguet縮寫) 的浮水印。後來在2012獲得有機認證,2013更進一步全面導入生物動力法,繼續精益求精。


        新品現貨供應~ 即日起至 9/25 日或售完為止!

2012Alain Burguet Bourgogne Les Prince Vin

Tasting note: A very fresh, cool, bright and airy nose of primarily red pinot fruit leads to delicious, vibrant and tension-filled flavors that offer good balance if only average depth, at least at present. There is enough underlying material to suggest that more may develop with a year or two of bottle age.

2011 Alain Burguet Gevrey Chambertin Symphonie

Tasting note: A discreet touch of wood spice sets off a very pretty mix of red currant, cherry and warm earth nuances. There is a distinct coolness to the rich and rather suave medium-bodied flavors that possess good phenolic maturity, all wrapped in a tension-filled and lingering finish.

The Burguet brothers have moved to a very floral, red fruited style of Gevrey for their Symphonie bottling. This has an attractive light red purple colour with a very pretty, pure, sensual nose.
                                                     Jasper Morris MW, Burgundy Wine Director




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