垂 涎 超 老 藤 黑 皮 諾 Joseph Roty
活動日期 : 2018/12/17 ~ 2019/01/16 或 售罄為止
有祖傳光輝的老字號Joseph Roty 於1710 年就在Gevrey Chambertin起家釀酒
特色是:始終維持一向極為隱遁低調的作風及讓內行人垂涎的超老藤黑皮諾葡萄 ,迷惑所有酒藏家,!
先提老莊主的祖父Joseph-Antoine慧眼購入三塊特級園Charmes-Chambertin、Mazy-Chambertin和Griottes-Chambertin是酒莊流傳至今的珍寶口碑地塊!其中Charmes-Chambertin,超過六成的葡萄種植於1881年,是全布根地最古老的黑皮諾所在之一!, Joseph Roty先生為家族第十代傳人在1968年開始接掌酒莊,充滿天份與自我風格的釀酒哲學,堅信酒是土質、氣候、耕耘三者的結合,親自品嚐成熟度、皮厚度、單寧量和甜度等,直到滿意才採收,依照自然方法釀酒,僅使用天然酵母,全系列酒款皆在橡中桶中培養至少16個月,頂級酒使用100%全新橡木桶,好年份不過濾即裝瓶等…成為布根地偉大的釀酒師之一!其過世後傳承11代,由其夫人帶領兩個兒子-Philippe和Pierre-Jean共同繼承家業,但大兒子Philippe也因為癌症而辭世,雖然如此 在遵循嚴謹的家族傳統下還是持續釀造出穩定令人滿意的高品質佳釀。酒莊始終維持低調,不多討論酒莊的細節,不提供過多資料,卻還是獲選Remington Norman之大作-”The Great Domaines of Burgundy”其中偉大名莊之一,成為布根地最獨特的名莊!
優雅桶系香氣 需時間柔化表現結構 ,可維持頗長時間陳放 風格醇厚且內涵雅勁,酒香飄逸迷人~
- 2003 Charmes Chambertin T.V.V Grand Cru BH92
Also more concentrated with dense but fine tannins and huge length.it is undeniably a dramatic, powerful and high caliber effort.
- 2011 Charmes Chambertin T.V.V 1500ml Grand CruBH93
A conspicuous but again not dominant lashing of wood still allows the complex and highly spiced nose of wild and fresh red currant, plum, earth, humus and a hint of smoke to be fully appreciated.
- 2011 Griotte Chambertin 1500ml Grand Cru BH93
excellent energy to the well-detailed and enveloping medium weight plus flavors that possess a plush mouth feel on the firm, balanced, complex and highly persistent finish. 紅色漿果,黑櫻桃香氣漂亮,中等酒體,堅固平衡,複雜突出~
- 2013 Mazy Chambertin Grand Cru BH93
Soft wood sets off the intensely earthy and highly complex sauvage and dark berry fruit aromas. excellent volume to the focused, vibrant and powerful broad-shouldered flavors that exude a fine bead of minerality on the palate coating and beautifully lingering finish. 充滿活力和強大細膩礦物質風味,突出的濃度,很好的結構,精美的餘韻~
- 2014 Charmes Chambertin T.V.V Grand Cru BH95
There is flat out incredible density to the extract rich and imposingly-scaled flavors that completely coat the palate with sap before culminating in a velvety yet superbly intense finish印象深刻的豐富果味與結構,天鵝絨般的質地,柔和的花香蔓延~
- 2014 Mazy Chambertin Grand Cru BH94
There is excellent punch and plenty of power evident on the muscular big-bodied flavors that exhibit superb depth and length.
- 2014 Gevrey Chambertin Cuvee de Champs Cheny ♥ Outstanding BH90
The richer yet sleeker medium-bodied flavors also possess excellent volume and concentration plus a more refined mouth feel, all wrapped in a balanced, long and agreeably refreshing finish周圍環繞著兩座頂級園 Charmes Chambertin 以及 Mazoyeres Chambertin,擁有超乎村莊酒級優異表現,直逼一級園水準!
2014 Marsannay Cuvee Boivin ♥ OutstandingBH 89-92
A top note of menthol combines with the ripe aromas of black cherry, raspberry and violets where a subtle note of earth lingers in the background. Here too there is fine volume and intensity to the robust yet not really rustic middle weight flavors, all wrapped in a beautifully complex and persistent finish.
很好的酒體和強度,堅固質樸,黑櫻桃,覆盆子和紫羅蘭的成熟香氣 美麗複雜持久
- 2014 Marsannay Cuvee de Clos de Jeu ♥ OutstandingBH91
The velvety and mouth coating flavors possess a seductive texture before culminating in an even more complex finish that is impeccably well-balanced, long and utterly delicious finish. This would also make for an excellent mid-term house red
- 2014 Marsannay Les Ouzeloy ♥ OutstandingBH89-90
volume and richness to the attractively textured medium-bodied flavors that possess a sleek mouth feel while delivering solid persistence on the lightly mineral-inflected and seamless finish. Worth a look
- 2014 Marsannay BH87
There is enough reduction to warrant a through aeration and particularly so given that this will not repay keeping. there is very good richness to the opulent, round and suave flavors To enjoy immediately.