
「2007 chateau latour」的圖片搜尋結果  

2007 Château Latour


預購日期 :2016 / 09 / 23~2016 / 10/ 05 或售罄為止

交貨日期 : 2017 年第二季


自從 2011 年波爾多期酒結束後,五大酒莊 Chateau Latour 宣佈退出新酒預購,而改為每年固定由 總經理 Frederic Engerer 選出已臻入適飲期的酒並由 Chateau Latour 酒窖全新釋出給市場喜愛的消費者。在 2016 年的 9 Frederic Engerer 2007 Chateau Latour 少量釋出,在未來幾年內將不再販售這個年份,且以底於市場五大酒莊行情的價錢給予 Chateau Latour 的愛好者 特別的酒呈獻給特別的您 !! 在目前波爾多現貨市場要找到低於 16000 之內的 Chateau Latour 實屬不易,機不可失 !!




  2007 Chateau Latour 750ml 6 入原裝箱


2007 的拉圖莊園 (Chateau Latour) 早春溫暖多溼,葡萄成長迅速良好;在四、五月卻是異常的低溫且霪雨霏霏接著六、七月又是高溫潮濕造成霉菌感染,八月的多雨更是往年的倍數。所幸九月初的乾燥高溫、月中的涼爽讓果農著手進行採收先將成長不佳逕行淘汰,並在 10/4~10/15 採收完畢。 2007 Chateau Latour 色澤呈現優雅的紅寶石色並擁有濃郁迷人的果香,純靜怡人單寧柔軟細緻、口感豐富質地迷人。

Wine Enthusiast      Scure 95


A big and powerful wine, with tannins that are compact and dense. The dryness of the tannins go right to the core, surrounded by chocolate, sweet fruit and dark berry flavors. The wine is well structured, big and bold, with plenty of firmness promising aging.


Robert Parker        Score 92+


The 2007 Latour (the first wine made in the newly renovated cellars) exhibits a dense ruby/purple color as well as a sweet, expansive bouquet of black fruits and spring flowers interwoven with a striking minerality. The wine’s dense, medium to full-bodied flavors are surprisingly evolved, with soft tannins, an ample, generous mouthfeel, and an endearing texture. Undoubtedly one of the longest lived wines of the vintage, the 2007 Latour should last for two decades or more



2015 Chateau Y d’Yquem Blanc     璀璨登場        2014 Chateau d’Yquem

2015 Bordeaux 白酒產量雖然較少但卻維持相當高的品質, Semilon Sauvignon Blanc 葡萄因為八月中旬的降雨略為影響;甜酒 Chateau d’Yquem 總管 Pierre Lurton 則表示 “The botrytis was fast and pure. It was really a classic vintage and we are very excited.” 一樣的亮麗精彩,經典、復古令人興奮。

2014 Sauternes 有非常好的酸度, Jancis Robinson 認為有些像 1988 老式又典型的年份。由於 9 月乾熱不利菌絲生長,好在 10 月上旬陰沉讓果農笑顏逐開。 Chateau d’Yquem 總經理在初嘗 2014 時表示 突然一片寂靜、因為感覺到一個 ”Great Yquem”


 2015 Chateau Y d’Yquem Blanc 750ml 6 入原裝箱

 2015 Chateau Y d’Yquem Blanc 1500ml 1 入原裝箱

 2015 Chateau Y d’Yquem Blanc 3000ml 1 入原裝箱



2014 Chateau d’Yquem 750ml 1 入原裝箱


James Suckling         Score 98


A crazy combination of botrytis, dried fruits and freshness. It's not the sweetest Yquem but it has an extraordinary depth of fruit and freshness. It goes on for minutes. Spicy and intense. A stunning young wine. A brightness and fabulous depth of fruit


Robert Parker WA       Score 96~98


The Château Yquem 2014 was picked over 9 weeks this year, with one-quarter of the grapes picked prior to 15 September. It delivers 134 grams per liter residual sugar and 7.3 grams per liter tartaric acid, with a pH 3.60. It has a captivating bouquet (I know...I know...what else were you expecting) But it entrances with its pure, wild honey notes mixed with almond and white chocolate scents, bestowed with beguiling delineation and focus. The palate is very poised with the acidity nigh on perfect. Occasionally an Yquem only reveals its components parts at this early juncture, necessitates conjecture. However the 2014 has a sense of harmony and completeness already, as if the élevage is merely there to usher it on to its finished state. There is undeniably great depth here, perhaps less conspicuous than other vintages because of that silver thread of acidity: notes of lemon sherbet, orange zest, shaved ginger and again, a few "flakes' of white chocolate. It is extremely long with tenderness rather than power on the finish. It's not quite up there in the rarefied heights of say, the 2001 or 2009, but it is what we call in the trade, "the business."


  Jancis Robinson MW      Score 19/20


Bright gold with a green note. Intense freshness on the nose. Fabulous nose of richness and freshness. The residual sugar is not high but the balance is great. Lime and pears and great richness and almost like a fruit juice, it's so refreshing yet dense and sweet. 13.35% Drink 2020-2050





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