雋永動人Domaine Marc Colin馬克·科林
活動日期:2016/07/19 ~2016/08/18或售完為止
勃根地中位在伯恩丘(Cote de Beaume)南方的Saint Aubin (聖歐班)產區, 地理位址鄰近於Chassagne Montrachet, Puligny Montrachet之中地塊上僅隔數哩之近; 價格卻實惠許多~ 是許多白酒迷心中認為CP值頗高的產區~生產非常多迷人的夏多內白酒!特別是溫暖的年份也能保有巧奪細緻的酸度格局~
Saint Aubin村內最知名的酒莊Marc Colin向來以白酒聞名!!1970年代末創立的老莊主Marc Colin當然功不可沒,除了名園,亦頗具規模,原由長子Pierre-Yve接手釀造但其現已獨立(2005年開設酒莊「Pierre-Yves Colin-Morey 」改由其兒女共同經營次子Joseph負責白酒老三Damien釀造紅酒他們改變Pierre-Yve的釀法重回父親時期更為簡單的傳統釀造其白酒酸味強勁而細緻是Saint Aubin跟Chassagne村的重要典範(摘自林裕森布根地葡萄酒一書P369)
Joseph Colin釀出的酒比父親更能表現出Saint-Aubin的風土與特色「更具有酸度與礦物氣息」,極為重視葡萄採收的時間,延後或提前只為能正確抓住最適合的成熟度,近年來減少新桶的使用時間,不希望過重的吐司奶油香氣,影響了最自然的果香與本質!Saint Aubin (聖歐班)因為長年來提升白酒產區的產量與產質, 所以大部分的精華園都改種了夏多內白酒風格偏向Puligny-Montrachet酒質特色! 現在也有一群人開始慢慢欣賞被忽略的紅酒,略帶層次感的野苺氣息, 清新而甜美細緻, 轉折明顯卻不是重負擔的黑皮諾表現~
【 Domaine Marc Colin 】
●2012 Saint Aubin 1er Cru Les Combes
It has a more introverted bouquet but peeking deep inside there are lovely elderflower and apricot scents combining with light, flinty scents. The palate is crisp and taut on the entry. There is good weight here成熟油桃和白花朵味道有深度RP 90-92
●2011 Saint Aubin 1er Cru Montceau
offers captivating mineralité on the nose: focused and precise with Puligny-like fresh green apple and wet limestone scents. The palate is well balanced with good fruit concentration, a keening thread of acidity with a precise and focused finish.飽滿的花果香氣,口感平衡新鮮RP 91 BH:91Outstanding♥
●2008 Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru Champs Gains BH:90
A ripe and moderately well-layered nose of wood toast, sulfur, peach and apricot marries into seductively textured, round and very generous flavors that possess reasonably good detail and fine length成熟的好滋味!
●2012 Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru Champs Gains RP91-93
The wood is neatly folded into the fruit on the nose with delicate white peach, orange zest and citrus lemon that is zesty and vibrant. The palate is generous on the entry with almond and walnut notes, fine acidity and finishing with nutty, Meursault-like flair and yet it retains admirable focus.帶細膩的白桃,橘皮,檸檬柑橘礦石氣苗條的線條~
●2013 Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru Champs Gains RP92-94
light brushes of lemon sherbet and even marmalade - a little more exotic perhaps. The palate is precise and citric, likewise driven by the acidity that lends this so much tension and race. It gradually builds in the mouth toward a very harmonious, animated finish. best Chassagnes in 2013精確和諧礦物質中等濃度.
●2013 Bourgogne la Combe BlancRP87-89
a light almond and walnut-scented nose that develops nicely in the glass. The palate is fresh on the entry with fine weight for a generic white Burgundy, the acidity well judged with plenty of walnut-tinged fruit on the finish輕脆乾淨的水果風味香氣,中度飽滿,舒服的尾韻。
●2009 Santenay 1er Cru La Comme Rouge(第一個年份,適飲期:2014+)
A mineral, structured, powerful and concentrated wine, with good ageing potential漂亮的2009年份也是酒莊首釀年份展現Santenay細緻與野苺礦物氣息層次分明的Pinot Noir 表現!
★在《The Great Domaines of Burgundy》一書中,Marc Colin 被選為Saint-Aubin內Gamay村唯一代表。