

在歷經五個世紀洗禮~ Bollinger依然以香檳界★★★三顆星的最高榮耀屹立不搖

特惠:2015/11/17-2015/12/16或 售完為止 


更獲 Wine Spectator.Wine Enthusiast.Robert Parker 高度的評價!



電影007系列詹姆士·龐德James Bond — 最愛的香檳 Bollinger






葡萄酒大師Ned Goodwin認為,這恰恰讓葡萄長得更加強壯緊實,有很多“肌肉”,酸度較高,



2004 Bollinger Grande Annee Rose RP96 WS 96 強推

The 2004 Brut Rose La Grande Annee is a beautifully focused, vibrant wine endowed with striking

minerality and fabulous overall balance. Clean veins of chalkiness run through the fruit in this energetic, taut Rose,

while seductive floral notes linger on the finish. The 2004 is 68% Pinot Noir (including 5% still Pinot) and 32%

Chardonnay, 89% from Grand Cru villages and 11% from Premier Crus.


1990 Bollinger Grande Annee 1500mlWS 95

Grande Année 1990 en magnum est assemblé à partir de 70% de Pinot Noir et 30% de Chardonnay. 95% de ces vins sont des Grands Crus, et 5% des Premiers Crus. Tous les meilleurs vins de la maison Bollinger sont réunis pour réaliser un champagne unique.


2009 Bollinger Vintage 007 Ed. James Bond〈限量〉

Pinot Noir; Ay 39% and Verzenay 29%.Chardonnay; Mesnil-sur-Oger 16%, Avize 8% and Cramant 8%.

The expression of the terroir and the aromatic richness are beautifully enhanced in this blend, which perfectly reflects the Bollinger style.


2002 Bollinger R.D  James Suckling 99 (完美年份最佳選擇2002 !)

which at first sight reveals a matured if not an old wine displaying toffee, floral (hyacinths, narcissus, sage), vegetal and spicy aromas (oak, cannabis, frankincense, black bread) --On the palate this is a very pure, fresh, lively, firmly structured and almost ascetic wine with complexity, but almost no sensuality. Very distinctive style.


2004 Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Francaises Blanc de Noirs Cellar Tracker 97

This vintage was the last in which all three vineyards were used to produce VVF.

A mature nose as well, with a distinct brandy-barrel tone to it, showing some maderized characters.dark fruitiness, with licorice, baked apple, and spicy-oaky characters. Concentrated, winey palate,verging on heavy of the 2004




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