2011 Pierre Gaillard
在北隆河極具盛名的釀酒師Pierre Gaillard,在1985 年成立自己酒莊之前,曾先後在Vidal-Fleury 及Etienne Guigal 兩家名廠擔任釀酒師。回溯歷史,Vidal-Fleury 家族成立於1781 年,在國際地位竄升的非常快,美國總統Thomas Jefferson 來訪後,響亮的家族名號可等同是Cote Rotie 區的象徵。時任釀酒師的Pierre Gaillard,精益求精,雖酒廠已發展多款系列,但他憑藉自己多年的經驗判斷,他深知Vidal-Fleury 所擁有地塊La Turgue 值得期待;但或許與個性趨於保守的莊主理念不同,遂後,於是離去轉至Guigal 酒廠發展。Pierre Gaillard 力勸Guigal 買下Vidal-Fleury 名下的La Turgue (也就是現今Guigal積架酒廠著名三個La 之一)。果然,不負眾望,首年分1985 年即拿到Parker 100 的高分讚賞!! Pierre Gaillard也成為Guigal 的主力釀酒師。
Pierre Gaillard 打自12 歲開始已在葡萄園騎馬犁田,長大後自然而然的投入葡萄酒栽種釀製,並取得釀酒畢業文憑;於1985 年成立了自己的酒廠,第一個生產年分為1987 年。他陸陸續續購買葡萄園,至今擁有22公頃葡萄園,年產量總計12萬瓶。主要使用葡萄品種為Syrah,白酒則為Viognier,Roussanne釀製,新桶比例不高,約10-20%,桶陳18-20個月後裝瓶。在多元地貌的隆河產區,Pierre的酒款可說是帶領您深入各區風土的最佳典範!
WHAT THE CRITICS ARE SAYING: “Pierre Gaillard makes exciting, delicious wines in all three appellations. His St Joseph, in both white and red, is better than more prestigious ACs from less devoted, less artistic producers. Both cuvées of Côte-Rôtie are excellent, with lush, concentrated fruit and real freshness.” Jacqueline Friedrich, The Wines of France If there was a Guild of Master Northern Rhône Wine Craftsmen, Pierre Gaillard would probably be the president. Be it a St Joseph, a Côte Rôtie or Condrieu, every time you open a bottle with his name on it you know you are going to get a thrilling, bristling expression of the site from where it came. That’s his thing. There is no dead weight in the Gaillard cellar and each wine offers precision and purity of fruit. This is not to suggest Gaillard is a technocrat. Far from it. He has great vineyards, infectious passion, makes good decisions and possesses a dirt under the fingernails grit which means that most of the hard work has been done before the fruit arrives in the cellar. The quality of fruit he harvests, allied to his fine touch in the cellar, results in some of the most evocative, flavor some and stylish Northern Rhône wines going around.
We offer 2011 Pierre Gaillard:
Pierre Gaillard Cornas
Pierre Gaillard Cote Rotie
Pierre Gaillard Cote Rotie Rose Pourpre Rouge
Pierre Gaillard Crozes Hermitage
Pierre Gaillard Saint Joseph
Pierre Gaillard Condrieu Fleur d'Automne Blanc 500ml (白)
Pierre Gaillard Condrieu Jeanne Elise Vin de Paille 375ml (甜)
未成年請勿飲酒 飲酒過量 有礙健康!