


1993 Chateau Pajzos Tokaji Esszencia

250ml  / 500ml  容量供應

匈牙利佩佐斯酒莊Chateau Pajozos在莊主Ronan Laborde與知名的飛行釀酒師Michel Rolland顧問指導下,品質精進,所釀造出的第一隻精華酒

- 1993 Chateau Pajzos Tokay Esszencia 大放異彩,獲Robert Parker品評為完美的酒之美讚。

100 pointsRobert Parker

99 points Wine Spectator

3 in the Top 100 Wines of 1998

99的高分登上1998Wine Spectator年度世界百大第三名

*** 特惠期間即日起至~3/31 或售完為止.


Wine Spectator

One of the world's finest   dessert wines. Sensational, ultrasweet Tokay, yet with a lovely citrus   underpinning that keeps it from being heavy. Like melted honey, with lime and   pineapple, this is one of those marvelous gems that makes you swoon in   delight. Tempting now into the 21stcentury. A collector's item to   drink in small portions, by itself, to celebrate life.Rating: 99

PARKER Hedonists' GazetteWe finished with a perfect wine,   the 1993 Château Pajzos Esszencia from Hungary. It looked like motor oil, but   the wine possessedsuch great acidity that everything was fresh, vibrant, and   well-balanced. Marmalade, a liqueur of nuts, fruitcake, plum, and caramelized   tropical fruit characteristics are all present in this deep amber-colored   wine. Incredibly intoxicating from an aromatic point of view, thisvibrant,   well-focused, amazing wine proves the greatness of the finest wines of   Tokaji. Rating: 100


未成年請勿飲酒 飲酒過量 有礙健康!





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