

2004 Riesling Clos Sainte Hune 特價$6500



  傳承了12世代的Trimbach家族,一直以來都努力耕耘著如何釀製純淨、細緻高雅和品質優良的阿爾薩斯酒款,為了要創造出屬於Trimbach的獨樹一格!早在1626年 Jean Trimbach就開始在阿爾薩斯釀造葡萄酒,建立名聲。後來1898年時Frederic Emile Trimbach 在國際比賽中嶄露鋒芒,使得Trimbach在阿爾薩斯區中成為最富盛名的酒廠。而RieslingClos Sainte Hune>是款非常稀有,且為大家公認的旗艦款白酒!


   位在Hunawihr Grand Cru Rosacker》葡萄園,此園是屬於Trimbach家族所有,僅有1.67公頃,也因為風土的關係使得Riesling 能夠釀造出帶有豐富的果香,蜂蠟,花香,香料等的香氣細緻優雅的礦物味,沒有半點酒體過重的感覺,初嘗時輕盈中卻又圓潤,餘韻細長又極至的平衡。每年僅有8000產量,更是Riesling愛好的藏家不可或缺的夢幻逸品!




  1626Jean Trimbach創立,自18世紀以來由Frederic Emile以自家佳釀獲得國際上的讚譽!經過12個世代以來努力傳承家族事業,擁有特別的風土地塊和最細緻優雅的酒款,並在BernardHubert兩兄弟及Bernard的兒子現任莊主Pierre的帶領下進一步提高酒的品質。Trimbach特色---生產干白酒、嚴謹架構、悠長尾韻且帶有豐富果香、優雅細緻和酒體均衡!!酒款在自家酒窖中窖藏數年後才會釋放到市場上,尤其是頂級收藏酒款--- Riesling Clos Sainte Hune。至少陳放4年才Release出。這也就是Trimbach家族對酒款如此強烈的堅持,才能擁有此般卓越不凡的讚賞,而被Robert Parker評為此生不可錯過的酒款之一!!!

   2006 Decanter更將Pierre Trimbach評選為全球十大白酒釀酒師(Joh. Jos. PrumTrimbachEgon MullerDomaine Leflaive Domaine Coche-DuryDomaine Comte LafonDidier DagueneauGicondaDomaine Zind HumberechtGrosset)


Tasting Note: By Stephan Tenzer 95points

Pale, bright yellow. Ripe pineapple, liquid stone and exotic honey on the nose, with a spicy lift that suggests an oak influence this wine does not possess. On entry, this is sweeter and creamier than the Frederic Emile, but it livens up quickly in the middle, showing powerful minerality and sharply delineated flavors of liquid stone, pineapple and citrus peel. Still, this conveys a distinctly glyceral impression that suggests more sweetness than its 5 grams of residual sugar, no doubt a function of the 20% or so botrytized berries (in contrast to the Frederic Emile, which included no botrytis). Communicates an impression of power with elegance, finishing minerally and long but not austere. Pierre Trimbach compared this wine to the estate's great 1990. This is already showing more Rosacker terroir than riesling character.


      未成年請勿飲酒 飲酒過量 有礙健康!






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