
Bruno Giacosa Roero Arneis  2020  白酒 WA93 

成功復育珍稀品種100% Arneis ,選用Vezza d'AlbaMonteu RoeroSanto Stefano RoeroCanaleMontà d'Alba 村莊的精選葡萄園,葡萄藤年齡20-27 年。


The 2020 Roero Arneis is a great example of a wine that knocks out simplicity while maintaining a great sense of inner freshness and complexity. This was a great vintage for the popular Arneis white grape that shows a wide range of tropical perfumes with papaya, citrus and Williams pear. The wine also boasts rich inner fiber, good fruit weight and concentration.
Bruno Giacosa Spumante Extra Brut  2017 氣泡酒

挑選100% Pinot Nero,以傳統瓶中二次發酵法(Metodo Tradizionale),釀出如同法國香檳般的Spumante Extra Brut,經低溫浸泡後榨汁不鏽鋼桶發酵15~20天,隔年6月裝瓶進行瓶中二次發酵,並持續與酵母浸泡培醞保留天然氣泡與風味,是公認最接近法式香檳的氣泡酒,產量僅2~3千箱。呈金黃色,香氣帶有蘋果、梨子、糖果、酵母風味,口感強勁紮實,酸度絕佳、風味多變,完美演釋大師對每一片葡萄園精髓呈現 ,能深深打動慕名而來品嚐的酒迷的心。


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