革新之舉Domaine Anne Gros & Jean Paul Tollot

活動日期 : 2020/04/17 ~ 2020/05/16


布根地知名葛羅釀酒世家的Anne Gros本身精湛的技術與釀酒熱情,讓她不想拘限於家族繼承的土地與同為釀酒師夫婿Jean-Paul Tollot跨出布根地版圖,二人多處尋覓,最終落腳於南法Minervois產區,那裡有與布根地極為相似的石灰岩,成立了 Anne Gros et J-P Tollot 酒廠!

Anne Gros:當你在一個截然不同的環境找到一塊跟自己一生經驗極為相似的地塊時,





Anne負責葡萄園的工作(大量引進布根地的實務做法,包括分區,整枝,剪枝,綠色採收,傳統釀法,輕柔的壓榨,各別釀造後混合)Jean-Paul則管理土壤與肥料( 保護生物多樣性,可持續葡萄栽培等),栽種的品種以GrenacheCarignanSyrahCinsault為主,專業知識與釀酒世家的融合,很快就重新詮釋南法的面貌,展現多變的風土特色,結合力量與優雅,熟美濃厚兼具細緻多汁, 2008年推出酒莊的第一個年份,酒莊與酒標都採用橘色主調,象徵兩人對於這塊土地與太陽融為一體的理想意向,推出即榮獲世界酒評家的高分評價~



2014 Anne Gros et J-P Tollot Cotes du Brian La Grenache 8   RP91


8 Grenache is a pure Grenache from 25 year old vines. The fragmented approach of the famous Burgundians Anne Gros and Jean-Paul Tollot highlights that of the Fontanilles terroir. Lively, fruity, spicy, it will be the ideal partner for a shallot flank or game terrine.


2016 Anne Gros et J-P Tollot L'O de la Vie Minervois   RP91

Grenache , Syrah

An 80-20 blend of Syrah and Grenache, the 2016 Minervois L'O de la Vie was aged almost entirely in tank, with just 15% seeing wood. With all that Syrah, there's a bit of tarry reduction at first, so give it a healthy decant to let the cedar and black cherry notes come out. It's medium to full-bodied, slightly more concentrated than the IGP offerings, silky in texture and long on the finish.



2016 Anne Gros et J-P Tollot Minervois Les Fontanilles  RP92

Carignan , Cinsault , Grenache , Syrah

Half of the 2016 Minervois Les Fontanilles aged in oak, the rest in tank. The blend of Syrah, Grenache, Carignan and Cinsault is from a plot on cool, north-facing terroir that is surrounded by garrigue, and those elements—rosemary, thyme, bay leaf—figure prominently in the wine, infusing the bright red-cherry fruit with hints of resinous herbs. Medium to full-bodied, it's crisp and long on the finish, ending with mouthwatering acidity.

四種葡萄混釀而成,採用傳統勃根地(Brgundy)的釀造手法,葡萄園坐南朝北減少南法艷陽所帶來成熟風味及酒精。因此充滿著勃根地氣息。迷迭香,百里香,月桂葉鮮豔紅櫻桃 帶有樹脂草藥味中等至濃郁,清脆長久,令人垂涎欲滴的酸度~


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