白酒清爽解渴 紅酒放鬆身心 兩款愛合購 

活動日期 : 2020/03/30~2020/04/30 或 售罄為止

紅酒~2011 Bouchard Beaune Clos de la Mousse  (六入一箱)

1995年,位在漢斯區的香檳酒莊Joseph Henriot買下Bouchards的經營權後,挹注豐沛的資金購置新的設備,Henriot秉持家族高標準的釀酒哲學,遵循葡萄自然生態循環、保有風土的原始特性,每一環節都十分細緻用心,因此讓Bouchard所生產釀造的各式紅白佳釀,均能維持一定水準,是勃根地產區值得信賴的品牌之一。

Note : a monopole of Bouchard 獨佔園  3.36公頃   Sweet spot Outstanding

BH 91 : An exceptionally pretty and perfumed nose of both red and dark pinot fruit, earth and spice hints precedes attractively rich, silky and delicious flavors that possess a lilting mouth feel on the long, focused and balanced finish. There is good phenolic maturity and ample dry extract and I would say that this is the best Clos de la Mousse since the outstanding 2003 version.

誘人的紅漿果,覆盆子,礦物質和香料的香氣。豐富可口,集中平衡的口感。自2003年以來最好的Clos de la Mousse


白酒~ 2016 Vincent Girardin Meursault Les Narvaux  (六入一箱)

酒莊創辦人Vincent Girardin 2003年與釀酒師Eric Germain合作後,兩人結合了共同的理念,在釀造上依循『月亮農曆古法』,盡量保存風土裡帶給葡萄酒的能量。

WS93 : Sleek and intense, packed with apple, lime, butterscotch and mineral flavors, this white starts out expressive and doesn't quit. Balanced in a sleek way, with a long, complex finish. 年產量7200

富有出色的表現力,火柴,蘋果,梨,柑橘的香氣。 美味圓潤,質地細膩的風格,生動活潑,充滿複雜感,出色的礦物質特性。非常適合搭配海鮮,烤魚和白肉。




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