Domaine Paul Pernot 2015



活動日期:2017-06-23 ~ 07-20或售完為止


年過70歲的莊主Paul 在1959年開啟了Domaine Paul Pernot 的樂章, 經歷歲月與二戰由原先10公頃地,一步步在莊主Paul眼光精準下逐年擴展。

在兒子Paul 和 Michel接棒後(孫子Paul不久也加入團隊),傳承家族對葡萄園管理的堅持與橡木桶使用比例的精巧,維持一貫的酒感飽滿、果酸精細、淡雅桶香卻深具層次。

坐擁Puligny2個特級園Bâtard Montrachet Bienvenues Bâtard Montrachet  以及 4 個一級園Les Champs-CanetLes FolatièresClos de La Garenne Les Pucelles 從平均40~50年的老藤採摘量少質精的果實,充分展現地塊特色。

酒莊長年以來,年產量近8成轉賣給酒商掛名銷售,而最精華的2成產量才貼上Domaine Paul Pernot酒標出售

引用知名勃根第葡萄酒作家Clive Coates言下的Pernot  "Splendid wines… the only problem is that M. Pernot doesn't bottle enough of them himself to fill the demand for them."


勃根地2016及2017連續兩年冰雹與霜害接連襲擊、產量大損的黑暗時期,必然稀少的產量要靠調高售價來支撐,方瑞貼心設想幫酒藏家們省了荷包的痛,準備了2015 Paul Pernot白酒風格純淨,酸度柔軟,展現多樣水果香氣(洋梨、柑橘、鳳梨)表現成熟~~~ 想喝不用等!!!

2015 Bienvenues Batard Montrachet           

2015 Bienvenues Batard Montrachet  1500ml   

Citrus fruits, white flowers and a minty nuance on the nose, along with a suggestion of charred oak. Broad and concentrated in the mouth, showing a buttery element but also brisk acidity and a peppermint quality. Finishes aromatic but very dry. -Stephen Tanzer (90-93)


2015 Batard Montrachet                 

2015 Batard Montrachet   1500ml        

Vibrant aromas of lemon and lime peel, white peach and crushed herbs lifted by white flowers;  Wonderfully suave and brisk in the mouth, conveying a lacy texture to its citrus and stone fruit, licorice and fresh herb flavors. The resounding finish is rich, salty and very long. A wonderfully complex young Batard with outstanding potential. - Stephen Tanzer (92-95)


2015 Paul Pernot Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Champs Canets 

Spearmint and dusty stone aromas suggest an austere wine. Then juicy and uncompromisingly dry on the palate, with a cool quality to the flavors of mint, white pepper, crushed stone and pine nuts. Finishes with a slightly bitter lime edge. -Stephen Tanzer (88-90)

2015 Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Folatieres            

2015 Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Folatieres   1500ml  

Aromas of lemon, lime and spicy oak. Smooth and perfumed on the palate, communicating a sexy touch of sweetness to the flavors of pineapple, white flowers and lichee. More finesse of texture here than in the previous premier crus.  Stephen Tanzer (90-92)  多樣的水果風味令人拜倒

2015 Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Clos Garenne         

Bright yellow-green. Very pure aromas of lime leaf, dusty stone and spearmint. Finishes a bit less

adamantly dry than the Champ Canet, with a piquant note of white pepper.- Stephen Tanzer (88-91)

2015 Puligny Montrachet       

Fresh white peach and a touch of reduction on the nose that carries onto the palate. Nicely high-pitched, offering flavors of lemon verbena, candied lime rind and spices. - Stephen Tanzer(87-89)

2015 Bourgogne Blanc       


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