2014 Domaine Anne-Françoise Gros

活動日期:2017/04/11 ~ 2017/05/10 或售完為止  新品現貨供應中!!

★法國酒評鑑權威BurghoundAllen Meadows認為A-F葛羅酒廠是"A choice. and Outstanding!"

釀酒世家Domaine Jean Gros葛羅家族位於夜丘區最著名的村莊Vosne Romanee老莊主Jean Gros曾任Vosne Romanee市長兩任其整個家族分成四個酒莊Michel GrosGros Frere et SoeurAnne-Francoise GrosAnne GrosAnne-Francoise Gros是唯一的女兒,從小在父親身邊學習釀酒,有著過人的敏銳力與女生天性上纖細特質 其優異程度不輸於兩兄弟Michael Gros (Michael Gros莊主) Bernard Gros (Gros Fere et Soeur莊主)1976年嫁給酒香世家的Francoise Parent,於1988結合了兩家葡萄園,成立了A-F葛羅酒廠 低溫浸泡4~5天後,自然發酵方式。依照不同年份選用40%~60%橡木桶陳年,其酒款年輕單寧活潑優雅,陳年後擁有更多迷人果香魅力 量少質精 通常只要是Gros葛羅家族出品就是品質保證!!

2014似乎相當艱辛,但最後釀成的酒卻是相當精彩,酒體苗條勻稱,伴著鮮美果味相當迷人的奇蹟,頗能反映每片葡萄園的風土特色,在年輕時就非常均衡可口,是個令人振奮的年份,適合早喝也可陳放... Burghound.com創辦人Allen Meadows說:「我對2014的建議是大量買進 難得的是-全面性的高品質。」

2014 Richebourg BH91-93Once again there is also enough oak influence to notice though not enough to appreciably detract from the high-toned and overtly spicy red currant, violet and plum-suffused nose. There is a lovely minerality to the supple and forward middle weight plus flavors where the mid-palate is almost soft. This is a somewhat curious showing as I like the refinement and impressive length but the depth is at present only average.

2014 Echezeaux BH90-93A spicy and notably floral nose showcases the appealingly layered array of red and dark currant, sandalwood and tea scents. There is fine richness to the sleekly muscular medium weight flavors that also exude a subtle minerality onto the mouth coating, firm and velvety finale. This should drink reasonably well after only 5 years or so in bottle but should be capable of rewarding up to a decade's worth.

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