
活動日期:2015/07/31 ~ 2015/08/28或售完為止

Dom.Comte Georges de Vogue

十五世紀中創立的Dom. Comte Georges de Vogue至今已傳承到第十八代,家族擁有7.25公頃的葡萄園(近80%Musigny特級葡萄園,2.75公頃、20%Bonnes Mares以及1.8公頃的Chambolle-Musigny一級園)。其酒款以低產量和高品質著稱,尤其是標記“Vieilles Vignes”Musigny紅酒,以平均樹齡超過40年的老籐果實所釀造,年產量不到千箱,是全世界酒迷們的夢幻逸品。

Bm  2000年開始酒莊施行有機栽培,並將Chambolle – Musigny的夏多內區塊破例被承認為特級園,並再1994年起以Bourgogne Blanc 開始販售。

   2012 Comte de Vogue Bonnes Mares  

Robert Parker :94~96   Vinous Antonio Galloni : 95-97   BH:95

de Vogüé's 2012 Bonnes-Mares explodes from the glass with a soaring mélange of aromas and flavors. Violets, licorice, cloves and tar are some of the notes that add complexity to a core of dark blue and black-toned fruit. Explosive and insanely beautiful, the 2012 is utterly captivating.

   2012 Comte de Vogue Musigny V.V.  

Robert Parker :96~98   Asian Palate Jeannie Cho Lee : 98   BH :97

A magical, transcendental Musigny capturing both the light, joyfulness and depth of this vintage. Profound, expressive, complex and very long. A magnificent Musigny. Tasted in: Burgundy, France.

   2011 Comte de Vogue Bourgogne Blanc

    CT :92~94    Steen Ohman :93

In the bouquet lovely pure and crisp white fruit – with notes of acacia flower, pear and a quite intense citrus infused minerality. On the palate quite rich fruit supported by a crisp acidity and the slightly edgy but filigree minerality of the big Musigny terroir.



Dom.Jean-Jacques Confuron


Domaine Jean-Jacques Confuron 位於 Premeaux-Prissey ( 夜丘Nuit Saint Georges 最南端),自1988年由女婿Alain MeunierSophie Confuron夫妻倆接手負責種植與釀造。他們堅信好的葡萄酒源自於好的葡萄本身,因此他們把大部份的精力放在葡萄的種植上。夫妻倆採用自然動力法種植,因此不使用任何化學除草劑、殺蟲劑和肥料,於2003起開始使用馬隻犁田翻土。


Jean-Jacques Confuron的葡萄全部去梗、短暫發酵泡皮以增加果味;50-80% 的新桶培養15-18個月裝瓶,裝瓶前不經任何過濾與澄清,他們的葡萄酒常有豐沛的果味與細緻的單寧,入口滑順。酒莊擁有8公頃的葡萄園,其特級葡萄園Romanee Saint Vivant年產量約2300瓶,並且來自酒莊最老的樹齡的葡萄藤(1922)RSV  


   2012 Jean-Jacques Confuron Romanee Saint Vivant 1500ml


   2012 Jean-Jacques Confuron Romanee Saint Vivant


Asian Palate Jeannie Cho Lee : 94


Tasted in a recently bottled sample, this Romanee-Saint-Vivant is as beautiful and gorgeous as I remember

it from barrel. Layers of delicate flavors are surrounded by silky tannins and fine minerality in the finish.


eRobertParker.com : 95-97


The crown jewel is the 2012 Romanee-Saint-Vivant Grand Cru that comes from the 0.50-hectare slither

planted in 1922. It already boasts an enticing bouquet laden with luscious dark cherry and creme de cassis fruit, stupendous mineralite and exotic touches of blood orange and marmalade. The palate is silky smooth with razor-sharp tannins, once again superb mineralite and a sleek, sensual, quite piercing sorbet-fresh finish that lingers in the mouth much longer than the Clos de Vougeot. This is a sophisticated, modern take on the grand cru, one with panache and oozing class.





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