
2002 Perrier Jouet Belle Epoque Blanc de Blancs Limited Edition



Belle Epoque 美好年代,花漾年華,體現獨特釀造年份

1811年, Pierre-Nicolas PerrierRose Adelaide Jouet Epernay的香檳大道上創立了Perrier- Jouet的品牌。Belle Epoque 花漾年華完美體現Perrier-Jouet 風格:花卉、時尚、豐富的蘊涵。此款香檳是一個獨特年份的展現,更是絕佳年份香檳的代表作!美麗的酒瓶瓶身,裝飾著秋牡丹,是新藝術風格最著名的藝術家之一---Emile Galle 埃米爾·加萊,於1902年特別為Perrier –Jouet設計的圖案,更能襯托出香檳的優雅細緻。


A harvest, a grape variety, a terroir, two plots, a legendary cuvée !!

2002 Perrier Jouet Belle Epoque Blanc de Blancs選用了最為優質Chardonnay葡萄精心釀造而成。此款年份香檳散發蘋果、柑橘淡雅清香,繼之有檸檬花、香草、碎餅乾、奶油…..等典雅芳香與醇郁細緻的口感,是高雅與嫵媚的完美組合。酒體優雅細緻,充分展現出Chardonnay中的礦物風味。Tom Stevenson 表示:沒有任何一款頂級香檳可以比的上Belle Epoque所有年份香檳的柔潤勻稱。


"A unique cuvée, Belle Époque Blanc de Blancs reveals the purity and authenticity of the Perrier-Jouët terroir…....Hervé Deschamps, Cellar Master

2002 Belle Epoque Blanc de BlancsPerrier Jouet酒廠的頂尖酒款,年產量僅萬瓶,至今只生產5個年份。

葡萄樹齡皆為超過60年以上的老藤,並選用酒廠最為精美的葡萄園Cramant Grand Cru的兩個地塊 (Bourons LeroyBoutons du Midi Bourons du Leroy)Bourons Leroy。其釀造工藝完全不添加糖、不過度使用木桶追求柔和細膩與優雅,進Grand Cru CramantGrand Cru CramantGrand Cru CramantGrand Cru Cramant而呈現Cramant的風土與Belle Epoque Blanc de Blancs 圓潤和諧。2002年則為香檳區繼19901996極為頂尖的年份!!!



Richard Juhlin : 96 point

It has a beautiful oily concentration , but also an elusive different style that not everyone likes at the moment. Meaty tones mixed with petroleum,citrus and meringue. Leave there for a couple of years and enjoy the upcoming harmony. Most recently, it was magical.

Falstaff Magazin : 95 point

Wine Spectator : 94 point

This elegant wine shows beautiful precision to the texture, withharmonious notes of lemon blossom,patisserie apple, vanilla-tinged brioche and savory mineral. Lovely for its subtlety andoverall grace. Drink now through 2025. , with consistent notes. 100 cases imported









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