Chateau Palmer寶瑪酒莊預購
活動日期:即日起 ~ 2014/11/07或售完為止
Chateau Palmer寶瑪酒莊-歲月造就的獨特風格!
一款卓越的葡萄酒,其神髓不僅深藏於歲月中,還根植於空間裏。Chateau Palmer葡萄酒的風格被載入了各個雜誌、品酒書籍、購買指南,它傳達着Margaux區的風土樣貌,超越著葡萄酒界的趨勢。
細膩與高雅是Chateau Palmer一貫的特色,如絲綢般珍貴柔順,天鹅絨般熱情,皮革般高貴。採用了同等比例的梅洛(Merlot)葡萄和卡本內蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄為主釀製,不同於一般Margaux區甚至Medoc區以卡本內蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)為主角,但也因此使葡萄酒的芬芳獨特且多層次,果香、花香和辛香料香相互交織,結構飽滿圓潤。
在橡木桶内漫長的陳釀過程是Palmer葡萄酒誕生的關鍵,它能夠將爍石土壤的特性淋漓盡致地呈現出來(Palmer位於Margaux區的最高處,土壤為第四紀冰河時期爍石),賦予葡萄酒飽满、豐腴的特色,這樣的過程讓Chateau Palmer在年輕時便綻放出無與倫比的魅力;進入適飲期後,散發出特别豐富、複雜的酒香,口感宜人清爽、細膩、悠長、雋永,讓人難以忘懷。
Chateau Palmer現為Mähler-Besse與Sichel家族共同持有,2004年起交由Thomas Duroux做專業管理。
未成年請勿飲酒 飲酒過量 有礙健康!
1966 Chateau Palmer Fantastic balance on the palate. Soft, caressing, delicate, long, deep, and brilliant. Long, aristocratic aftertaste
1975 Chateau Palmer Hints of cocoa, black fruit jam, pepper, and blackberry on the bouquet. Round and smooth on the palate. At its peakWonderful tannin. Rich and concentrated, with good length. Fresh aftertaste.
1983 Chateau Palmer Complex, but still reticent. Good potential. Long aftertaste with a gentle retro-nasal effect. An aristocratic wine.
1986 Chateau Palmer Smooth, round, and silky on the palate with a soft mouthfeel. Wonderful tannin. Intense, very aristocratic aftertaste. Magnificent!
1989 Chateau Palmer Broad-based, smooth, very round, elegant, and intense on the palate. This Palmer is a truly great wine.It can be held until the 30s.
1990 Chateau Palmer Superb nose! Everything I love about great Bordeaux! The kind of bottle that one finishes and immediately wants to open another one! Hints of wet earth, ceps, blackberry, and sweet pepper on the nose.
1998 Chateau Palmer Elegant and subtle on the palate, with fine tannin. Expressive, attractive, and showing signs of maturity, although it still has great ageing potential.
2000 Chateau Palmer Rich, concentrated ruby-red colour with deep purple highlights. Starting to show its age on the nose, featuring overtones of graphite, plum, and eucalyptus.
2004 Chateau Palmer Dark, rich colour. Concentrated bouquet already showing some secondary characteristics with hints of black fruit, plums, black pepper, and turmeric.Attractive and round on the palate. Immediately likeable.