柔潤圓熟的Pavie Decesse 1997


*今日與大家分享的主角是波爾多右岸Saint Emilion 系出名門的*

--- Chateau Pavie Decesse ---

波爾多右岸 Saint Emilion除了瀟灑的白馬 Chateau Cheval Blanc 和神秘富有詩意的 Chateau Ausone兩間明星酒莊,不得不提波爾多傳奇人物 Gerard Perse 所擁有的PaviePavie Decesse!

Perse本身從商,算是一位白手起家的富翁,他希望能盡一些公民責任並保留法國文化,於是某一天將計畫付諸施行,把資金拿到波爾多發展,分別購入了 Monbousquet Pavie Decesse Pavie

在購入的第一年 1997Perse 投入了很多的心血跟精力,讓向來表現平平的 Pavie Decesse 曙光出現,開始了光輝的前景,酒價也隨之而來節節上升!市售約4-5Pavie Decesse 極佳年分則需兩倍價才能購得 !!方瑞此次為回饋客戶,推出已屆適飲的1997Pavie Decesse,幾乎將當年的市價與您驚喜分享!!

Pavie Decesse 酒莊葡萄樹齡超過40種植有90% Merlot10% Cabernet Franc,酒的Merlot成分較高,柔美的酒體有很豐富的口感,帶有烤木桶、咖啡香。因葡萄園較小,一般產量只有2000多箱

RP: Dense ruby/purple-colored, with copious quantities of black raspberry and cherry fruit intermixed with spicy oak, this deep, rich, medium to full-bodied 1997 possesses sweet tannin, low acidity, excellent length, and admirable concentration. Already delicious!   Rating:89

WS: Seriously good. Lots of blackberry, vanilla and tobacco character on the nose. Medium- to full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a long finish of polished texture. Rating: 90

                     未成年請勿飲酒 飲酒過量 有礙健康!

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