2009 Pegau Chateauneuf du Pape Cuvee Reserve 

Special Bottle 500ml




  位於隆河著名產區:教皇新堡地區(Chateauneuf du Pape) Domaine du Pegau早在1670年代就存在著,直到1987年才創立Pegau莊園。早期稱為Domaine Feraud,後來是酒莊主人的女兒Laurence Feraud 學成返家後,才正式命名為Pegau----是法國教皇新堡地區所挖掘出的一種陶燒的斟酒壺,故名。RP:97

  主要葡萄品種為:80% Grenache,14%Syrah,4% Mourvèdre,2%其他品種。手工採摘,並在老的橡木桶中釀造約兩年。有著紅色成熟水果香(櫻桃、覆盆子)、胡椒香氣。陳年後,更具有李子乾、皮革風味。圓潤酒體、強勁有力且優雅細緻的單寧,複雜中帶有香料風味。


Parker Tasting Note:The color is a dense black/ruby (one of the more opaque 2009s I saw), and the powerful nose offers up aromas of licorice, smoked herbs, charcuterie, bouquet garni, roasted meats, Peking duck, kirsch, blackberries and cassis. An enormous success, this cuvee has come on like gang busters since I tasted it last year, and may eclipse the stunning 2007. Given its tannin profile, the 2009 will require 5-6 years of cellaring and should keep for 30-35 years.

Tasting Note參考Parker 網址

未成年請勿飲酒  飲酒過量有礙健康!


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