Dom Pérignon首席釀酒師 Richard Geoffroy 說—「2002 年,溫暖且乾燥的
春天,沒有 顯著的結霜;夏季晴朗,白天日照充足又有適當的雨量,讓果實有
接近完美的開花期,所以葡萄的狀況好。 而釀酒過程 中的脫水程序讓葡萄更達
完美 的成熟度。2002年份Dom Pérignon香檳在酒窖中陳釀8年之久,充分彰
顯了成熟和 豐盈的特性。
首先撲鼻而來的是新鮮杏仁氣息,緊接著有蜜餞、檸檬和乾 果味,並以煙燻和烤
《 Dom Perignon x Andy Warhol》
香檳王Dom Pérignon和英國Central Saint MArtin的Design Laboratory合作,
向藝術大師Andy Warhol致敬,以Warhol著名的作品"Death & Disaster"色彩為
20/20 pts 難得一現的滿分!!
Jancis Robinson: 20/20 pts
"Extraordinarily firm, confident, intense nose... Nothing remotely sweet or fat - though
it's as intense as a Montrachet...
This already delivers but has such backbone and great acidity... Really reaches every
hidden cell of the palate. LVMH at its very best?"
Wine Advocate: 96 pts
The 2002 Dom Perignon is at first intensely floral, with perfumed jasmine … With time
in the glass the wine gains richness as the flavors turn decidedly riper and almost
tropical. The wine’s volume makes it approachable today!
未 成 年 請 勿 飲 酒