雋永動人Domaine Marc Colin馬克·科林

活動日期:2019/05/07 ~2019/06/06或售完為止


勃根地位伯恩丘(Cote de Beaume)南方的Saint Aubin (聖歐班)產區, 地理位址鄰近於Chassagne Montrachet, Puligny Montrachet之中 地塊上僅隔數哩之近; 價格卻實惠許多~ 是許多白酒迷心中認為CP值頗高的產區~生產非常多迷人的夏多內白酒!特別是溫暖的年份也能保有巧奪細緻的酸度格局~

Saint Aubin村內最知名的酒莊-Marc Colin向來以白酒聞名!!1970年代末創立的老莊主Marc Colin功不可沒,擁有名園,亦頗具規模,現已退休,原本由長子Pierre-Yve接手釀造 但其現已獨立(2005年開設酒莊「Pierre-Yves Colin-Morey 」所以改由次子Joseph(負責白酒) 老三Damien(釀造紅酒)共同經營 他們改變Pierre-Yve的釀法 重回父親時期簡單的傳統釀造 其白酒酸味強勁而細緻 Saint AubinChassagne村的重要典範(摘自林裕森布根地葡萄酒一書P369)

Joseph Colin釀出的酒比父親更能表現Saint-Aubin的風土與特色「更具有酸度與礦物氣息」,極為重視葡萄採收的時間,延後或提前只未能正確抓住最適合的成熟度,近年來減少新桶的使用時間,不希望過重的吐司奶油香氣,影響了最自然的果香與本質!Saint Aubin (聖歐班)因為長年來提升白酒產區的產量與產質, 所以大部分的精華園都改種了夏多內,此區白酒風格偏向Puligny-Montrachet酒質特色!


★在《The Great Domaines of Burgundy》書中,Marc Colin 被評選為Saint-AubinGamay村唯一代表。

Domaine Marc Colin

(1)2015 Montrachet   BH96

This is also highly restrained and again the nose requires plenty of agitation to liberate the intensely floral and spiced aromas of various white-fleshed fruits and citrus. There is superb volume and concentration to the almost painfully intense flavors that are an inimitable combination of power and refinement while flashing strikingly fine length on the balanced finish.

葡萄藤種植於1945年,桶陳 15個月-柑橘,濃郁白花香氣,極好酒體,無與倫比的力量和精緻組合,衡表面上閃爍出驚人的精細長度 漫畫第五使徒中稱為"槍之岳"的白酒王!

(2)2015 Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru Chenevottes  BH92 Outstanding

A pungent nose combines notes of petrol, white flower, pear and a hint of nut oil. There is very fine richness and volume to the full-bodied flavors that possess an excellent level of dry extract that deliver a lovely sense of energy on the succulent and impressively complex finale. 葡萄藤種植於1960年和1993年,桶陳 18個月,汽油,白花,梨,堅果油味 濃郁豐富的口感具有極佳複雜度,多汁令人印象深刻~

(3)2015 Chassagne Montrachet Les Encegnieres  BH88

A completely different aromatic profile is present here with its notes of resin, petrol and fresh essence of pear scents. There is very good volume to the caressing middle weight flavors that also possess solid mid-palate concentration if not quite the complexity on the delicious and nicely balanced finish.特殊芳香氣息,樹脂,汽油和梨新鮮香氣。 中等酒體美味均衡,具堅實的尾韻~

(4)2015 Saint Aubin 1er Cru Montceau  BH89

Moderate reduction doesn't entirely mask the underlying aromas though it's enough to render the nose hard to read today. Otherwise there is excellent volume to the relatively lavish, indeed even opulent, flavors that possess very fine depth and length. Note that if the reduction eventually lifts my rating may seem overly conservative though it is sufficiently firm that I have my doubts.

葡萄藤種植於1990年和1975年,桶陳 10個月-極佳的華麗酒體,非常精細的深度和長度

(5)2015 Saint Aubin 1er Cru Chateniere  BH91 Outstanding Top value

Here the nose is compositionally similar to that of the Sous Roche Dumay but with the addition of discreet spice elements. The succulent, round and delicious medium-bodied flavors possess good mid-palate concentration before terminating in a distinctly mineral-inflected finish. I very much like the texture and sense of harmony葡萄藤種植於1990年和1985年桶陳 10個月


(6)2015 Saint Aubin 1er Cru Les Combes  BH92 Outstanding Top value

This is also quite floral with aromas of smoky white orchard fruit, citrus zest and a light touch of minerality. Once again there is fine volume to the rich and relatively full-bodied flavors yet the finish remains cool, clean and quite dry in the context of the vintage. This is really lovely juice and worth considering. 葡萄藤種植於1985年桶陳 10個月


(7)2015 Saint Aubin 1er Cru Sous Roche Dumay   BH92 Outstanding Top value

A very pretty and well-layered array is composed by notes of essence of pear, apple and wet stone along with soft citrus and white floral wisps. There is fine volume to the caressing, round and intense medium weight flavors that possess a relatively sophisticated mouth feel on the focused, balanced and impressively long finish where a hint of bitter lemon rind appears. This too is excellent and recommended. 葡萄藤種植於1995年桶陳 10個月漂亮,層次分明 梨,蘋果和濕石的精華及柔和柑橘,白色花卉縷組成,集中平衡

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