Vosne Romanee村最具特級園潛力的明星園-Malconsorts

質地堅實,單寧深邃,優雅而不失架構的酒體,被譽為小La Tache


勃艮第權威Allen Meadows<The Pearl of the Cote, the great wines of vosne-romanee>曾提到:





2015 Albert Bichot Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts 1500ml


2013 Albert Bichot Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts 1500ml


2016 Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts 1500ML (11月到貨)


2016 Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts 3000ML (11月到貨)


2011 Dujac Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Aux Malconsorts


2013 Hubert de Montille Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts


2013 Hubert de Montille Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts Cuvee Christiane


2013 Hudelot Noellat Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts 1500ml


2014 Hudelot Noellat Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts 1500ml


2010 Francois Lamarche Vosne Romanee Aux Malconsorts


2015 Nicolas Potel Roche de Bellene Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts


2013 Sylvain Cathiard Vosne Romanee Aux Malconsorts


1985 Sylvain Cathiard Vosne Romanee Aux Malconsorts


1974 Pierre Bouree Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Aux Malconsorts

活動日期:2018/11/9 ~ 2018/12/8 or 售完為止。
位在勃根地知名Vosne-Romanee村的Aux Malconsorts是公認最佳實力的超級1級園,擁有石灰岩的土壤、高坡度、東南向陽精彩絕佳的方位,並且與世界知名特級園La Tache只有一步之隔,因此也有了『小La Tache』之美譽。總面積約5.86公頃,共有6家Domaine持有,釀造出的風格多數柔和、細膩,亦帶豐厚圓潤感。雖然每間酒莊的釀造方式與風格皆不相同,但是釀造出來的Aux Malconsorts幾乎是獲得滿堂彩。

#Domaine du Clos Frantin:重量級老牌酒商Albert Bichot旗下四大天王之一;葡萄樹齡約35~40年,使用20%~30%的新橡木桶,陳年14~18個月,年產量僅8500瓶。

1. 2015 Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts ♥ 1500ml BH 91-94 Sweet spot Outstanding
Tasting note: A notably ripe and wonderfully spicy nose reflects notes of liqueur-like dark cherry, cassis, plum and violet. The dense, serious and markedly powerful big-bodied flavors brim with dry extract before terminating in a muscular and impressively long finish that also displays a hint of warmth.

2. 2013 Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts ♥ 1500ml BH 91-94 Sweet spot Outstanding
Tasting note: A pungent nose is presently composed of mild reduction and green tea with a few disparate spice elements lurking in the background. The muscular, serious and powerful medium-bodied flavors possess excellent depth of material that coats the palate on the very firmly structured, long and balanced finale. This has everything it needs to be first-rate as the tannins are mature and well-integrated and the balance is impeccable.

3. 2016 Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts ♥ 1500ML

4. 2016 Domaine du Clos Frantin Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts ♥ 3000ML BH 92-94 Outstanding
Tasting note: A relatively deeply pitched nose offers plenty of both floral and spice elements along with notes of plum, dark cherry and a touch of Asian-style tea. As is usually the case there is excellent volume and a taut muscularity to the sappy broad-shouldered flavors that flash superb depth and persistence. Note well though that this classic example is definitely built-to-age and is going to need at least most of a decade to be approachable. Recommended.

# Dujac:有小DRC暱稱的實力派酒莊,老莊主於1967年創立,採用不去梗、100%新桶方式釀造。

5. 2011 Dujac Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Aux Malconsorts ♥ BH 94 Outstanding
Tasting note: An intensely spicy nose features notes of ripe black pinot fruit and plenty of floral influence in the form of violet and lavender scents. As would be expected this possesses plenty of size and weight with excellent mid-palate concentration, all wrapped in a powerful, palate coating and wonderfully long finish. This is a serious wine that will need at least 10 to 12 years to be approachable.

#Hubert de Montille:勃根地非常有聲望的釀酒師,目前酒莊由兒子及女兒繼承管理,遵循父親的意志釀造出純淨、優雅細膩的風格。(採用100%含梗釀造,使果味顯著、添加單寧復雜度)

6. 2013 Hubert de Montille Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts ♥ BH 92-94Outstanding
Tasting note: This is less obviously floral in character though this element is still quite prominent on the discreet spicy aromas of plum, dark raspberry and sandalwood nuances. There is an equally sleek mouth feel to the broad-shouldered and muscular flavors that possess an exquisite sense of underlying tension and plenty of minerality, all wrapped in a firm, cool, linear and built-to-age finale. I very much like the complexity and the persistence is most impressive.

7. 2013 Hubert de Montille Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts Cuvee Christiane ♥ BH 92-95 Outstanding
Tasting note: As is often the case this is aromatically quite similar to the regular cuvée except that it is ever-so-slightly spicier and perhaps with a bit more floral influence. There is fine volume, power and punch to the big-bodied and robust flavors that retain a refined mouth feel as the tannins are once again dense but fine plus they are well-buffered by the copious dry extract that imparts a velvety texture to the strikingly long finale. One aspect where this does depart from the normal pattern is that this is noticeably more structured and will thus require a few more years of cellar time. In sum, this is impressive juice with terrific development potential.

#Hudelot Noellat:創立於1960年的老牌酒莊,現由第三代釀酒師管理,並聘請Vincent Munier加入團隊,維持傳統方式釀酒,以超高的技藝釀出優雅芳香、細膩絲滑的Pinot Noir。

8. 2013 Hudelot Noellat Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts 1500ml ♥ BH 91-94 Sweet spot Outstanding
Tasting note: Canneyt noted that this was the last wine in the range to finish its malo and it showed as the nose was markedly lactic and reduced. Otherwise this classic Malconsorts with its robust, muscular and imposingly-scaled flavors that brim with minerality on the powerful, focused and strikingly long finish. My range obviously assumes that the nose will clean up but there should not be much risk that it won't. Good stuff.

9. 2014 Hudelot Noellat Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Les Malconsorts 1500ml ♥ BH 90-93Outstanding
Tasting note: A distinctly cool and restrained nose offers up more elegant if less spicy aromas of red and dark currant, violet, plum and a hint of anise. The muscular mineral-driven big-bodied flavors possess excellent volume and punch while exhibiting excellent length on the moderately austere finale. This robust effort will require at least 7 to 8 years before it sheds enough tannin to be approachable.

#Francois Lamarche:葡萄酒以和諧勻稱著稱,芳香不失深厚,擁有知名特級獨佔園La Grande Rue。

10. 2010 Francois Lamarche Vosne Romanee Aux Malconsorts ♥ BH 93Outstanding
Tasting note: A restrained and discreetly spiced nose features ripe plum and black berry liqueur aromas that precede the broad-scaled, rich and intense flavors that evidence a sleek muscularity on the long and quite punchy finish. Like any number of prior wines, the flavors and finish are underpinned by extremely fine-grained but dense tannins and while this remains a powerful wine, it is relatively sophisticated by the typical standards of Malconsorts.

#Nicolas Potel Roche de Bellene:Nicolas Potel釀酒的實力與故事是大家耳聞能詳;2015年是勃根地的極佳年份,葡萄成熟度適中,口感表現出飽和、濃郁、圓潤。

11. 2015 Nicolas Potel Roche de Bellene Vosne Romanee Les Malconsorts ♥ BH 93Outstanding
Tasting note: A spicy and notably ripe nose conveys notes of red raspberry, cherry liqueur and sandalwood. The caressing, round and quite supple medium weight flavors are not quite soft but they are very pliant before tightening up slightly on the ever-so-mildly austere finish that delivers solid depth and length on the dusty and slightly warm finish. While quite approachable today I suspect that it will progressively close up over the next few years.

#Sylvain Cathiard:每年產量平均只有2500箱,從Bourgogne ~ Grand Cru都是酒迷心中所愛。釀酒師每天花上14的小時在他的葡萄園內,用最細心、堅持的方式,釀造出一瓶瓶精美佳釀。

12. 2013 Sylvain Cathiard Vosne Romanee Aux Malconsorts

13. 1985 Sylvain Cathiard Vosne Romanee Aux Malconsorts

#Pierre Bouree:採用不去梗方式釀造的老牌酒商,擁有50多款葡萄酒,除了字佳的葡萄園,也與佃農合作,購買質量最好的葡萄,釀造出最能表現勃根地風格的經典酒商。

14. 1974 Pierre Bouree Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Aux Malconsorts




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