
活動日期2016/12/14 ~ 2017/01/13 或售完為止

Vega Sicilia酒廠坐落於斗羅河谷(Ribera del Duero)1848Toribio LecandaValbuena侯爵手中買下了2000公頃的土地(Pago de la Vega Santa Cecilia),其子1864Don Eloy Lecanda將原本用來耕種的農地重新翻整,大量改種葡萄樹,在乾燥的Ribera土壤中種植西班牙最具代表性的Tinto del Pais品種(也就是Tempranillo在當地的別名),從波爾多引進品種的Cabernet SauvignonMerlotMelbec等葡萄種植,以彌補Tempranillo的不足,這也是西班牙引種法國品種的開端

1929Exposicion Universal de Barcelona 巴塞隆納國際展得到榮譽大獎Gran Premio de Honor,更是替酒廠打開了知名度,至今還標在Unico旗艦酒標上1982年成為Alvarez 家族產業,目前出產三款佳釀:第一款Unico旗艦酒款,第二款Reserva Especial(不同年份的混釀)第三款Valbuena(年輕的葡萄樹釀製)酒莊Unico旗艦酒款,僅在最佳年份才會釀製,混合釀造葡萄比例每年不同,平均比例為80% Tempranillo + 20% Cabernet Sauvignon + 極少的Merlot手工採摘葡萄嚴格篩選,每顆葡萄樹只選用2公斤的葡萄,使用美國及法國橡木桶來增加香氣與複雜度,在橡木桶內7年培養,再放置瓶中3年後才上市。


Vega Sicilia Valbuena Collection 6bts (2006~2011) 經典組合


輕鬆易飲的Unico初窺酒款95% Tempranillo + 5% Merlot桶藏3年半 裝瓶1年半 上市


2006 Robert Parker   Score: 91


2007 Robert Parker   Score: 92


2008 Robert Parker   Score: 94


2009  Robert Parker   Score: 94


2010 Robert Parker   Score: 96


2011 Robert Parker   Score: 94


Vega Sicilia Unico 1974

Robert Parker   Score: 93    Jeannie Cho Lee   Score: 93

A blend of 70% Tinto Fino and 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, initially, there seems to be a taint on the nose of the 1974, but what seems like corkiness is manifests into an earthy, tarry scent, suggesting the higher presence of Cabernet Sauvignon in the blend. The palate is very well balanced and very pure with greater density of the 1975. Leaving it aside for one hour, it turns into one powerhouse of a wine, with laser-like focus and a vibrant, life-affirming finish with orange zest and liquorice. What began a potentially disappointing Unico, ultimately turns out to be a barnstormer. 63,500 bottles produced. Drink now-2025+.



Vega Sicilia Unico 1989


Robert Parker   Score: 93    Jeannie Cho Lee   Score: 96    Wine & Spirits Magazine   Score: 94


The 1989 Unico, a blend of 80% Tinto Fino and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon picked early from 30th September, has a gorgeous, minty bouquet with blackberry, a touch of blueberry, crushed violets and a little strawberry jam. It blossoms with aeration in the glass. The palate is smooth and rounded on the entry: caressing and voluminous in the mouth. The fruit is very pure with notes of strawberry, Tiptree raspberry jam, marmalade and quince. It has great weight towards the finish with orange cordial and a hint of mango. However, it does not have the tension or focus of the 1994 or the 1996. 105,860 bottles produced. Drink now-2035.



Vega Sicilia Unico 2003 1500ml












Robert Parker Score: 94   Wine Spectator Score: 95   Jeff Leve, The Wine Cellar Insider Score: 95


Vega Sicilia’s 2003 Unico, mainly Tempranillo with a balancing 8% of Cabernet Sauvignon.As I uncork the bottle, the aroma reminds me of a classical Tempranillo, with some dill notes from the American oak and a minty hint from the Cabernet. It actually makes me think of traditional Rioja, believe it or not. The wine doesn’t show the heat of the vintage, and manages to transmit a general sensation of balance and finesse that is quite remarkable for the characteristics of the year. The aim here was to avoid the confited and raisiny notes of the fruit and the spirity character so common in that vintage. It starts off slightly lactic, with notes of cafe au lait, coconut and cola. With a bit of time, it turns more flowery and shows more red fruit. It is very aromatic, with plenty dry herbs, thyme and rosemary, even pine nuts, a bit of resin and some cured meat, and overall has a very complex nose. The mouth is a little more transparent toward the heat of the vintage, it is powerful and full-bodied, but manages to keep freshness. The minty note is there, with some hints of chalk that make it very tasty. It feels briary and opulent. A success over the vintage conditions, it already shows some signs of complexity, which points at an approachable Unico. Anticipated maturity: 2013-2023.




Vega Sicilia Unico 2007 


Robert Parker   Score: 95   經過近十年的醇化2007已經散發出迷人優雅的酒香,讓您不需等待即刻”感受西班牙佳釀-富變化酒體與層次感分明的迷人驚艷”


2008 was a challenging vintage in Ribera del Duero, a vintage marked by a severe frost on September 24th. The vineyards of Vega Sicilia were saved by some anti-frost burners that really made the difference. Even though, there are only some 70,000 bottles of 2008 Único, a wine that will be released around March 2016 after the 2007, and before they sell 2005 and 2006. It's a fresher, more mineral version of Vega, and very much Vega in character. It has a certain aroma that I cannot define that I also found in the 2011 Valbuena. The palate is surprisingly polished; the wine is quite accessible from now on, with fine tannins and a subtle thread of acidity going through the core. This is a lighter version of Único, but one style I like very much; it's a wine that should drink well throughout its life. A triumph for the vintage conditions.








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