特惠日期:100/12/27-101/01/13 或售完為止
DRC Marc de Bourgogne & Fine de Bourgogne
1990 Marc de Bourgogne, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1991 Fine de Bourgogne, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1992 Fine de Bourgogne, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
1993 Fine de Bourgogne, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
Lafite Rothschild Cognac Tres Vieille Reserve
做為世界有名的波爾多五大酒莊之一Lafite Rothschild,推出了鮮為人知的Cognac白蘭地的逸品。Lafite 家族早期由Cognac地區購入原酒,並長期儲存於Lafite Rothschild內,這些原酒最舊的年份為1900年,最新的年份為1920年,近年將這些不同年份的成熟原酒調和成Lafite Rothschild Cognac Tres Vieille Reserve,誘人的香甜芬芳並有複雜的的口感。
Lafite Rothschild Cognac Tres Vieille Reserve
Mouton Rothschild Eau de vie Prune & Liqueur Cassis
Mouton Rothschild Eau de vie de Prune
同樣是波爾多一級酒莊Mouton Rothschild所生產。不同於Lafite自Cognac購入原酒,Mouton所釀的原料來自自有的莊園。蒸餾後桶存15年。酒精濃度42%,年均產量1000瓶。凝聚的口感有高雅的白桃果香及杏仁香草香氣。
Mouton Rothschild Liqueur Cassis
Tesseron Cognac XO Beyond
Tesseron家族位於Chateauneuf-sur-Charente,自19世紀開始,珍藏了許多出色的干邑白蘭地,其版圖還包括兩大成功的波爾多品牌:Ch. Pontet-Canet及Ch. Lafon-Rochet。Congnac 使用傳統的葡萄品種,Ugni Blanc、 Colombard 及Folle三種葡萄混釀,其中Colombard 及Folle因不易栽種且產量稀少,在此地幾乎絕跡。Cognac酒標上沒有用上常見的級別;而用上了"Lot No."來說明不同的分別。
Tesseron Cognac Lot N°53 XO Perfection (預購品項2012第二季交貨)
Cognac Tesseron Lot 53 XO Perfection |
98 (RP) |
"The Tesseron family (currently the proprietors of St.-Estèphe’s Lafon-Rochet and Pauillac’s Pontet-Canet) made its fortune in the Cognac business, and it is one of the few families to possess ancient stocks of great vintages that have not been diluted with water or manipulated in any manner. They released small quantities of Lot 29 (1929), which remains the most ethereal Cognac I have ever tasted. I’m no expert, but their newest release, the 1953, seems close in quality to the 1929. Slightly darker than the 1929, the 1953 is pure silk, which at this alcohol level is very dangerous indeed. The complex aromatics can fill a room." 98 Points Robert Parker, Hedonist’s Gazette February 2007 |
Tesseron Cognac Lot N°29 XO Exception (預購品項2012第二季交貨)
Cognac Tesseron Lot 29 XO Exception |
100 (RP) |
"Although French law does not permit a vintage date to be used, this is all from 1929, and is very limited in availability. I'm not an expert on Cognac, but anything this smooth, silky, potent, and aromatic, is truly great stuff. It is about as ethereal Cognac as anyone could ever hope to drink." 100 Points Robert Parker, Hedonist’s Gazette October 2005 |
Tesseron Cognac Lot N°76 XO Tradition (預購品項2012第二季交貨)
Tesseron Cognac Lot N°90 XO Seletion (預購品項2012第二季交貨)
未成年請勿飲酒 飲酒過量 有礙健康