

Guigal Condrieu La Doriane 2014 (12入原木箱) RP96


Guigal Hermitage 2010 (12入原紙箱) RP92




特惠日期:即日起~2016/2/29 或售完為止



占地約150公頃的積架酒廠,雖擁有面積範圍不若兩家隆河區名廠Chapoutier、Paul Jaboulet,但Guigal掌有的都是隆河區最精華的葡萄園! Parker表示他十分欽佩,以最初階的酒款Cote du Rhone,酒廠每年產量雖高達百萬瓶,仍舊以其絕佳品質傲視整個隆河區並廣受歡迎。


Guigal的各款羅地丘紅酒均為該區酒質之標竿,主因在於酒廠以高價向各簽約酒農購買優異的葡萄果實,自行培養釀造,而不是直接買進葡萄酒。除人工篩選,也以電腦精確控管發酵溫度,桶內醇化後,經 Marcel逐桶品嚐後,挑選優良的酒桶混合而成。積架初階酒款,架構完整、單寧適中,有黑醋栗及甘草的芳香氣息,均衡度佳。


Guigal Hermitage,100% Syrah 釀造,24個月橡木桶陳年,黑莓果、黑醋栗香甜酒的濃郁香氣,華麗如巧克力般濃稠的質地,在飽滿豐厚口感中有著絕佳的鮮度和活力。2010年更是被讚譽為Incredibly vinatge!!


RP92 + : More brooding and backward, the 2010 Hermitage has closed down considerably since I tasted it last year. It offers lots of graphite, crushed rock, leather and smoky dark fruits, full-bodied richness, impressive mid-palate concentration, and a tight, closed feel on the palate. It needs 3-5 years of cellaring and will have three decades of longevity.


Condrieu La Doriane , 100% Viognier釀造,9個月全新橡木桶醇化裝瓶,梨子、杏桃等熱帶水果香氣,葡萄樹齡約35年,94年為第一年份,Guigal的白酒旗艦佳釀。漫畫神の雫稱為耀眼的隆河黃寶石!!


RP96 : Bottled early in June, the 2014 Condrieu la Doriane is neck and neck with the 2013 in terms of quality. It too has sensational, full-throttle notes of tangerines, spice, buttered peach and citrus oil in a medium to full-bodied, elegant, vibrant personality. Give it six to 12 months of bottle age and enjoy bottles through 2020.






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