Chateau Puygueraud 2011

活動日期:2014/07/24 ~ 2014/08/23



位於波爾多Cotes de Francs酒莊Chateau Puygueraud,是大家耳聞能熟的漫畫神之雫第七集中所介紹的。而Cotes de Francs是面積不大的產區,約450公頃,靠近Saint Emilion的東部區塊。(屬於AOC的小產區)

此葡萄園種植葡萄酒的歷史約在公元11世紀,後期1946年才由Thienpont(Le Pin)家族買下,在一片荒蕪的土地上經歷30年的歲月細心照料、用心呵護,其間只種一些農作物復育培養,才慢慢的將這片荒地轉為優質的良田,1970年才開始種植葡萄樹,1983年為第一個年份。

Nicolas Thienpont認為Puygueraud風土條件代表了歷史的見證,及豐富多樣的氣候及土壤,大自然的環境是無法替代與複製,每一年度的收成質量都是無與倫比的美味。

Chateau Puygueraud~一款用30年的期待與磨練換得像夢般期待的葡萄酒,是款高貴不貴的紅酒,酒體表現本身是相當優秀,圓潤口感、豐富果香味,不只是在漫畫神之雫中有介紹,連知名雜誌『Decanter』、『葡萄酒王國』也都及為推荐,是一隻值得品嚐的佳釀。

          2011 Puygueraud        Rober Parker Score 88~90

Another strong effort from Puygueraud (the birthplace of the Thienpont family), the 2011 was fashioned from modest yields of 35 hectoliters per hectare, and the final blend of 75% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc and 5% Malbec came in at 14.5% natural alcohol. The wine’s dense blue/purple color is accompanied by copious aromas of blueberries, blackberries, charcoal and graphite. Clearly performing well above its modest pedigree, this sleeper of the vintage possesses medium to full body, beautifully pure fruit, and a decade’s worth of drinkability.

2011 Puygueraud       Wine Spectator Score 88

   This has good depth and freshness, with a core of plum, currant tobacco and charcoal notes, with a hint of iron. Delivers solid flesh through the finish. Drink now through 2016.

2011 Puygueraud      Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar Score 88

Medium ruby-red.  Fresh aromas of raspberry, redcurrant, licorice, and tobacco.  Broad, pliant and sweet, boasting a surprisingly plush texture to the blueberry, blackcurrant and licorice flavors.  This politely styled midweight finishes with supple tannins and very good length.  "This is almost tender for a 2011," said David Suire, technical director of the Nicholas Thienpont estates, and I couldn't agree more.  A blend of 75% merlot and 25% cabernet franc.

未成年請勿飲酒 飲酒過量 有礙健康!


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