
Frédéric Magnien

-----------------GRANDS VINS DE BOURGOGNE-----------------

Frédéric Magnien崇尚自然動力法則,為葡萄酒業開創新世代。

2010---An Excellent and Classic Vintage that Exhibits Two Distinct Personalities

To wrap up with the 2010s, I strongly advise buying them. They are beautiful wines and they are beautiful up and down theappellation hierarchy as well.--By Allen Meadows


出生於1969年五月的Frédéric Magnien,中學時期就讀伯恩村的葡萄酒學校,為了獲取更多釀酒經驗,1986年時在Jean-Noël Gagnard à Chassagne-Montrachet幫忙收成葡萄,並於1987-1991期間跟隨父親在葡萄園和酒窖中學習。有了這些釀酒學習經驗後,1995年成立了以自己為名的 Maison Frédéric Magnien。

Frédéric Magnien非常注重葡萄的種植與釀酒方式,因此他選購的葡萄---皆超過40年以上的葡萄藤,顆顆皆是品質高尚,且為最佳熟成狀態的葡萄果粒。並且遵循自然動力法則,如此才能釀製出高雅細緻的Pinot Noir。


     ※Frédéric Magnien好酒推薦     預計到貨日期2013年第一季

品名                                                                                  BH       TZ

Chambertin Clos de Beze                                                              93-95       93

Echezeaux                                                                                  91-94       91

Corton Charlemagne                                                                 

 Gevrey Chambertin Les Cazetiers 1er Cru                                      91-93

Gevrey Chambertin Lavaut St Jacques 1er Cru                            91-93      91

Chambolle Musigny Les Charmes V.V.1er Cru                             91-94      89

Vosne Romanee Les Suchots 1er Cru                                                               90

Chassagne Montrachet‘Les Baudines’ Blanc 1er Cru      

Chambolle Musigny V.V.                                                                   88-90

Bourgogne Les Graviers                                                            

Cote de Nuits ‘Coeur de Pierre‘ Blanc                             


未成年請勿飲酒  飲酒過量 有礙健康!


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