Domaine Du Pegau

      Chateauneuf du Pape, Southern Rhone, Rhone, France 

                     新品特惠 : 即日起~ 12/15



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Domaine du Pegau17世紀便已存在,在Pegau這個名稱之前,為Domaine Feraud,直到1987年酒莊主人的女兒Laurence Feraud學成返家與父親連手經營酒莊,酒莊正式更名為Pegau,開始生產一系列驚人表現的頂級的酒款,是目前Chateauneuf-du-Pape產區最炙手可熱的頂尖的名莊之一。

2008 Chateauneuf du Pape Cuvee Reservee Rouge   * 主要葡萄品種為 GrenacheSyrah 少許的Mourvedre18個月舊的大橡木桶陳年

Parker: Medium to full-bodied, chewy and very evolved, the wine exhibits lots of earth, lavender and foresty/mossy notes intermixed with kirsch, peppery black currants and Christmas fruitcake spices. Laurence calls it a very “traditional” style that she believes will be as good as their 2006.Rating: 89-92

2005 Chateauneuf du Pape Cuvée Laurence * 精選Cuvee Reservee, 另外在布根地橡木桶與五年以上舊桶中陳放上18-24個月, 桶陳時間成為兩倍。

Parker: Wonderfully rich, concentrated notes of roasted Provencal herbs, jammy black cherries, new saddle leather, and loamy soil are present in this stunningly rich, full-bodied wine. With excellent concentration, moderate tannin, and fabulous length as well as intensity. Rating: 95-97.


未成年請勿飲酒  飲酒過量 有礙健康


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